Hand Feeding.. Wow



So my oldest gecko refused to eat meal worms. Wouldn't touch them. I decided to try hand-feeding it to him, somthing I've never done with him. He devored the thing and proceeded to eat five more giant mealies. He was so gentle taking it from my hand. It was weird actually. :) Why was he so eager to eat from my hand rather then on the ground? Is it easier for them to see it if it is dangling right in front of them? Sorry he has to actually look down to see them normally *oh my gosh* lol


I have 2 that are spoiled and they only eat when I tweezer feed them, which is fine with me I love the look on those 2 faces when I open their tubs. It's like they know that big hand is coming down with the good stuff lol.


My girl Gumdrop loves being hand fed. I've noticed she'll take a mealie or two in the middle of the night, but she really likes it when I hand feed her crickets or mealies. I think it's because she's too lazy to go down to her bowl and get one or hunt one down, lol. I'm trying to stop the hand feeding because, but so far it is unsucessful!

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