Handling a fidgety crested?


New Member
So as some of you may remember, I got a juvie crested a couple months ago. I try and take him out a couple times a week to get him adjusted to me, but he runs like hell whenever I attempt to take him out of his cage! I'm trying to give him a couple crickets in a kritter keeper each time I take him out incase he can associate me taking him out with a nice little treat... but I really am disheartened by having to work so hard to get him out of there. I really don't want to hurt him or stress him too much. Once he gets out he's very jumpy and fidgety as well, at least for the first few minutes.

Does anyone have any tips as to the best way to remove a fidgety crested gecko from his cage? Should I just be persistent with it? I've got lots of cover in his cage and so it's very easy for him to elude me, and I may chase him for a minute or two before finally getting him ):.

Any halfway helpful information is greatly appreciated :)


60 miles south of Chicago
I don't have any ideas for you, but I thought I'd let you know I can relate.
ALL of my real little ones give me a hard time about coming out of their enclosures.

I end up taking their KKs apart just to get them out.
But I only handle them on days I have to clean their cages (every other day, so actually it's quite a bit, I suppose).
And since I'm cleaning their KKs anyway, I don't mind taking them apart.

I say just keep handling him. Try going in from behind the gecko instead of putting "the claw" straight down on him.

Sometimes I use a piece of their own bamboo to get them up on it, and then I just pull the bamboo and them out of their KK at once.

He should eventually calm down.
It took all of my little ones about 2 months to calm down some.


From the ones I've worked with. I used CGD on my finger and stuck it infront of their faces eventually doing that they would either let me pick them up, or would come over to lick it off my finger. I even did this with a Golden Gecko + Green Eyed Gecko. Who were both lil devils..So far they are getting better and more relaxed with a hand being in the tank with them/infront of their face. Good Luck.

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