Handling After Shedding


New Member
Auburn, Maine
My 3 month old Corn Snake just shed today for the first time since I got him 2 weeks ago. The last time he shed was late July or early August. He was cranky this week...now I know why. He is a very light pink hyposnow. I actually had no idea he was even going to shed...I will have to be more observant next time. The shed came off in one piece and no rips...and I understand that is good. How often should I expect a shed?

Also, how soon after shedding can you handle the snake again...just don't want to make him mad!! Also feeding day is tomorrow...is it okay to feed after a shed?




Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
We just got our first corn, and I am still learning about them (not sure how often they shed).. But our girl shed last night and we already handled her today, she was just fine with it. I don't really think there would be a problem with her eating after a shed. Ours is due to eat today as well, and we plan on feeding her :)

One thing that I did read was that you shouldn't handle your snake for 48 hours after they eat because this could cause regurgiation.

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