Handling geckos


New Member
I've had my gecko now for just over a month and i was wondering what the best way to handle a gecko is? :huh:

And also the best way to get them used to you touching them without before actually picking them up. :huh:

I'm currently trying to let my gecko touch me instead of me touching her, is this good or not? :huh:

Your help will be apressiated.


New Member
The first step is to just leave them alone when you get them :) If you try handling them too early it stresses them out and then its harder to handle them later.

Then just go about your daily routine and as much as you can dont disturb them. Clean up their poopies, fill their worm dish, change water etc but dont be tempted to touch them.

After a while they will start to realise you are not a threat. Then i would start putting your hand in their cage for a few minutes at a time and let them get used to you being there. Eventually they will start comming over to you. It feels like theyre not going to in the beginning but just give them time :)

When you do handle them either let them walk onto you or if you need to pick them up scoop them up from underneath. Dont grab them from above because it scares them as they think you're a predator.

Once you are holding them make sure you arent holding them too high as they can be startled at the slightest thing and will jump off you regardless of their safety.

When i started handling mine i would be only a few inches from their cages so if they did jump they would just land back inside.

Also be very careful not to grab their tails as they will drop them and they never grow back as nice as the originals. Just put one hand infront of the other and let them walk as they want. Mine also like to walk on my knee or just sit in the middle of my hand and flatten themself down to feel the warmth :)

I have found the best way is just patience, let them decide they want to be handled. It is easier to get them used to being handled before you stroke them aswell as they can sometimes freak a little when you touch them. I find gently stroking the top of their head is accepted before their back.

Daisy and Bubba were practically tame from the start and Bubba was maybe only a few weeks old. Some are just more chill than others. Freya on the other hand would not tolerate handling at all and would squeek and kick up a fuss when i had to pick her up to move her. But i just left her alone and let her do things by her own pace and now she loves being picked up and has a habit of running as fast as she can up my arm :laugh4:

Hope this helps in any way and good luck with your little friend :)


New Member
Sacramento, CA
The first step is to just leave them alone when you get them :) If you try handling them too early it stresses them out and then its harder to handle them later.

Then just go about your daily routine and as much as you can dont disturb them. Clean up their poopies, fill their worm dish, change water etc but dont be tempted to touch them.

After a while they will start to realise you are not a threat. Then i would start putting your hand in their cage for a few minutes at a time and let them get used to you being there. Eventually they will start comming over to you. It feels like theyre not going to in the beginning but just give them time :)

When you do handle them either let them walk onto you or if you need to pick them up scoop them up from underneath. Dont grab them from above because it scares them as they think you're a predator.

Once you are holding them make sure you arent holding them too high as they can be startled at the slightest thing and will jump off you regardless of their safety.

When i started handling mine i would be only a few inches from their cages so if they did jump they would just land back inside.

Also be very careful not to grab their tails as they will drop them and they never grow back as nice as the originals. Just put one hand infront of the other and let them walk as they want. Mine also like to walk on my knee or just sit in the middle of my hand and flatten themself down to feel the warmth :)

I have found the best way is just patience, let them decide they want to be handled. It is easier to get them used to being handled before you stroke them aswell as they can sometimes freak a little when you touch them. I find gently stroking the top of their head is accepted before their back.

Daisy and Bubba were practically tame from the start and Bubba was maybe only a few weeks old. Some are just more chill than others. Freya on the other hand would not tolerate handling at all and would squeek and kick up a fuss when i had to pick her up to move her. But i just left her alone and let her do things by her own pace and now she loves being picked up and has a habit of running as fast as she can up my arm :laugh4:

Hope this helps in any way and good luck with your little friend :)

Good Post!

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