Handling my new leo



I have had my new adult female leo, Silke, for a few weeks now, and she seems to be used to me (she doesn't mind when I am replacing food and water and removing droppings from her terrarium). I would like someday to be able to hold her and let her sit on me, but am unsure how to begin. This morning, I felt really bad as I think I startled her/woke her up when I refilled her food dish; she scuttled over behind her big driftwood tree.

Any recommendations on how to begin this process without stressing her out? Can I try to "pet" her back or anything? Or just keep doing what I'm doing for a few more months and let her get used to my hands?

Thanks in advance!


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
leave your hand in the cage for like aminute and let her come up to your hand and investigate, eventually she will come over and check your hand out and may walk on it

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