Handling temperatures???


New Member
Pickerington, OH
As I am getting closer to getting a more mature leo that can be handled outside of it's tank, I was wondering what you guys do about temperature while handling? Our house is 70*F and the warm side of the tank is 90*F, how do you keep the leo warm while you handle it? What if you want to let it explore...how do you keep it warm? Do I need to worry about keeping it warm since it will be out for a short time? Does the leo keep warm from my body temp? Which brings up another question, how long do you let your leos out?

Me and my silly questions!

curiousKathy (aka Kathy Painter)


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Scott&Nikki said:
Your body temp will keep it nice and warm. Remember, it's belly heat that matters most.

Thanks Scott&Nikki! But how do you give them belly warmth when they are crawling around on beds and furniture? Or do you just allow them to crawl on you?




New Member
Weymouth MA
my guy looks like it's about the same age as the one in your avatar. I try to take it out each day for a few minutes. I let him crawl on the kids arms or hold him myself. I tried to take some pics on the bed, but apparently he doesn't speak dog. Sit. Stay. yeah, didn't work. I'm probably not keeping him out for more then 10 minutes at a time right now.


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Thanks Moosassah,

My avatar pic is from when we first got Jackie...he's much larger now, but I haven't been brave enough to let him out because he wasn't totally tame and I worried about not being able to catch him again. How do you catch yours when it's on the bed or arm? Jackie was pretty fast in his younger days and I worried he would get away....not good with cats and dogs in the house even though they are not allowed in my daughter's bedroom! I think he may be close to letting him come out. I am getting 2 females; one will be shipped when the weather is warmer and the other I will pick up this weekend from a college student.

Thanks for the info! If you wouldn't mind sharing more about how you retrieve them after you let them loose I would REALLY appreciate it!

This is Jackie now!





New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Yeah, they shouldn't be out TOO long, so the temps shouldn't matter. I mean obviously don't bring them into a 55 degree basement or some cold surface, but I think you got that. About your question on letting them out, I don't have an answer for you because mine is still terrified of me and jumps off my hands. My only thoughts would be to make some sort of border around you, or the edge of the bed.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I handle my geckos all the time... I have one on my shoulder right now! They can tolerate room temperature for long periods of time without any problems. After all, when they hang out on the cool side of their tanks they are at room temperature, and sometimes they sleep there!

Handling your gecko should be done in small steps... here is an exerpt from the CARE SHEET on my website:

"At first, it is best to slowly offer your hand, kept low with your palm up, before picking up your Gecko. They may lick you, which is how they identify you through their sense of smell. Avoid reaching down from over their head to grab them because they may become startled thinking you are a predator coming down to attack them. Eventually, they will recognize you, and become more relaxed about being handled. They may even come to greet you, especially when it's feeding time!

Your Leopard Gecko will climb on you and sit up on your shoulder. They have tiny claws they use to hang on to you, so when you remove them from your clothing use care or you could injure their toenails when you pull them off. Likewise, they can accidentally scratch you if you pull or move too quickly. Keep in mind that since each Leopard Gecko has it's own personality, some are more calm and tolerant of handling than others.

Always handle your Leopard Gecko with care, and never grab it by the tail. Like all lizards, when they are attacked or threatened they can "drop" their tails. When a lizard loses its tail, it becomes vulnerable to disease and infection until it grows a new one. Leopard Geckos will eventually grow new tails, but the regenerated ones are never quite as nice as the original. Since they are desert dwellers, they store water, fat, and nutrients in their tail (just like camels store water in their humps). The fatter a Leopard Gecko's tail is, the more nutrient resources they have; so it is important they do not lose their tails.

Occasionally Geckos will "leap" from your hands, especially when they are babies! It is a normal reflex to try to grab them as they jump, but use extreme care! You can injure them by squeezing too tight or pulling their tails. It’s sometimes best to let them land, cupping your hands around them in a "corral" to catch them. Babies move very fast, and adults more slowly and deliberately."


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
So Marcia, when do you think they usually start to calm down? My leo is about 2 1/2 months old now and I have seen VERY little progression. She licks me now, but then walks around my hand, not even over it. If I move it very slowly towards her, still palm up on the ground, she freaks out and tries to hide.

** Not trying to steal your thread, Kathy. I just figured you would be curious too being as you may be in the same situation.**

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
The longer you wait to handle them, the longer it will take to get them tame. Scoop the gecko up and make a 'cave' by cupping loosely with both hands, still holding it in it's enclosure. Most geckos do not like to be held at first, but will feel safer each time you do this.... 2-3 times a day for a few weeks.


New Member
Weymouth MA
How to catch a gecko...I try to keep him on my lower arms. Once it goes beyond that I'm running the risk of him tangling in my hair or getting to a point where I cannot safely retrieve him. I go after him with the 2 hand method--1 hand is lower & where he can see it, the other comes in from behind & coaxes him onto the first. I've been doing this every day for a couple of weeks now. He's still not smiling when I come to pick him up, but he's cool with it. Good luck. Oh, many nights I hold him before feeding him. Kind of like his reward for letting me hold him for a bit.

It amazes me that they go from stripes to what Jackie looks like in so little time. Very cool


Our Leo loves climbing on me. She'll try and climb out of the vivarium (which opens at the front) and if I put my hand out she'll climb right onto it. She'll then make a dash up my arm and onto my shoulder. She's only 7 months old so is still a little jumpy so we have to be careful with her. My wife will be on standby to scoop her up if it looks like she's gonna jump onto the floor.

I've only had her out for a couple of minutes at a time but we want to make sure she gets used to being out and we'd be more comfortable if we can predict what she's going to do.

I suppose if we handle her before feeding time and she gets loose, we can entice her back with the cricket tub.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
So, basically what I've been trying to get an answer to is, if my leo is only 2 1/2 months old, I don't need to worry if she isn't exactly responsive yet? Assuming I continue the "training"?


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Scott&Nikki said:
So, basically what I've been trying to get an answer to is, if my leo is only 2 1/2 months old, I don't need to worry if she isn't exactly responsive yet? Assuming I continue the "training"?

I have been told that they can mellow with age...when they are babies their main concern is survival...fight or flight...so they flee what they perceive is danger (our hands). Some enjoy being handled, some put up with it and some never like it. I have noticed a big difference in Jackie lately. I have been pushing a little more for him geting used to being touched and picked up, but I am still trying to becareful to not stress him out too much. Since he is bigger he is accepting being touched better. I wouldn't give up, though. Just keep doing what you are doing and if your leo seems relaxed, take it up to the next notch, etc. Be patient and move S L O W ...I admire those that have leos that love to come out and ask to be picked up...I wish I knew what they did because I would love to have a leo like that! I think alot of it has to do with trust which takes time...

Hang in there!



New Member
Pickerington, OH
Hi Marcia!

Thanks for the info! I have tried to open your care sheets on your site and they wouldn't open, can you email me a copy? I would love to read through it! When the leo goes up your arm how do you retrieve it without it jumping? Or do they jump? At what point do you decide they are ready to come out and climb up your arm? Jackie doesn't even try to climb up my arm: he spends most of his time trying to get off my hand...

Thanks for joining in our discussion!



New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Kathy, did you try from her link in the post, or try clicking on her site at the top of the page under Site Sponsors: Golden Gate Geckos? Maybe you can get to it that way if you didnt try yet.


New Member
Pickerington, OH
Scott&Nikki said:
Kathy, did you try from her link in the post, or try clicking on her site at the top of the page under Site Sponsors: Golden Gate Geckos? Maybe you can get to it that way if you didnt try yet.

Thanks Scott&Nikki! I think I tried when I was at her site and clicked up at the top the caresheets button. I will try what you suggested and see what I did wrong...




New Member
I also handle my geckos all the time. Every gecko is different. I have a few that don't enjoy it much and others that seem to love it. Some that will dart if given the chance and some that will just walk around slowly on my lap. I have one that seems to enjoy hanging out on my head lol. If you handle them enough they will all get used to it. some my never really like it but will tolerate it to a degree.


I think all leos are different with regards to handling. If you check out this video on youtube, this leo doesn't mind being gently stroked on his head! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1leirtLN5c

Our leo was bought from a specialist reptile store and I think she was handled a fair bit when she was young. The guys at the store are obviously very confident in handling the geckos and other reptiles so maybe this has taught our leo that handling is ok for her.

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