

New Member
What's the consensus on handling leopard geckos? Will they warm up to it if they don't like it at first? Do some like to be held more than others? Is it just completely unnatural therefore shouldn't be done? I've heard the oils on your skin are damaging to leopard geckos. Just a few questions I've been pondering.


New Member
You can do a search for more in depth answers - but really - it depends on the Gecko and their circumstances - as in are they young, are they older and came from certain handling techniques, or non at all...etc

Better to post the specifics about your Gecko to get truly informative responses

NO Gecko and their behavior is the same


New Member
Western NY
Several years ago our family got 3 baby leopard geckos. We treated all of them equally, all were females. All had entirely different personalities. My husbands albino was very laid back and seemed to enjoy sitting in your hand. My daughters normal was very inquisitive when out and liked it. My Blizzard did not like to be picked up. I worked with her over and over and she still "bristles" if I go to pick her up. Once she is picked up she is ok, but just does not like it. So after having her this long I've decided since she doesn't like it I won't push and I only pick her up when needed for cleaning etc. I just got a new female yesterday and she seems to love being handled - exploring or just hanging out in your hand. I'm happy about that as we no longer have either of the ones that liked being handled.

Reptile Lover

Reptile Lover
It does depend on your Gecko. Some never like being handled. Many warm up to you though. I got my Striped AFT as a baby. His name is Lenny and has always enjoyed being handled. He gets right into my hand and snuggles up to my fingers when I pet him. He is very sociable and all in all loves me to death. As I love him as well.:D

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