
I just got my leopard gecko 2 days ago from the STAR Eco Station. When we pet him and got to hold him there he was pretty good and just a little wriggly but now that we've brought him home he's super skittish and bolts if we pet him. I was wondering if this is normal and what I should do. So far I've been putting my hand in his cage a couple times a day and petting him a little bit. Is there anything else I need to do to tame him? (By the way he used to be a pet but I am assuming his old owners barley handled him because the reason he was at the Eco Station is 'cause his former owner "lost interest" in him. Stupid, right?)


New Member
Citrus Heights CA
Give him a little time to get use to his new surroundings, they take a bit to warm up. But keep doing as you are doing, handling a little here and there. With my babies I try to handle them daily without stressing them, and once they calm down and are good then I put them back so that they are calm and realize nothing bad has happened. It takes time, but eventually they will come around. Though, I do have one female that no matter what is still very skittish, and does not like to be handled regardless of what I do and she is full grown. So sometimes its just up to them. But if hes young, just give him time and hopefully he will come around. :)
Yeah, tonight I actually held him for the first time and when I put him down he didn't immediately go back to his "lair" (warm hide where he spends most of the day), instead he just kept on climbing and exploring.I think this is a step in the right direction.


New Member
I would suggest not handling your new leo for at least a couple of weeks if not more so it can adjust to its new surroundings. After that ease in to it and handle the little guy for a little while every day or every other day whatever you please. Most people will say to not handle your gecko any more then 15-20 minutes and I agree. I usually only handle my gecko for 5-10 minutes and maybe 15-20 minutes once or twice a week if that. As soon as he starts to become skittish it is a good idea to put him back in his enclosure ASAP.


New Member
Orlando, FL
I agree with everyone on here about giving them space. I adopted my leo, he is 5 and the previous owner said he didn't handle him much as of late so my leo Teak wasn't used to being handled. I've had him for maybe 2 weeks now and he is still a little unsure but once we pick him up he is fine and he likes to chill on my shoulder if he is feeling really comfortable. I'm still working on him with walking onto my hand when I put my hand in his tank but I know it will take time which is absolutely fine with me :)

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