Harriet.......we think


New Member
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, new and still trying to find my way around the forum :)

So we cleaned her viv out tonight, washed everything, swapped the bark chips for eco earth, and moved the vines and fake plants about some. She enjoyed jumping over the hubby and the couch, and when we put her back in, she explored the whole viv top to bottom, we've never really seen her move from the top plants and bark shelf.

She has eaten tonight, both the pureed fruit and CGD, and has drank from the misted sides. I'm a happy mommy :D

Anyway, we took the best pics we could, and are interested in you opinions on which morph she is.

She is approx 18 months, and we weighed her at 40g

here are the pics :)

And a pic of her viv after I cleaned it out and moved a few bits about


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