Hatchling questions!


New Member
Glendale, AZ
Hello :) My name is Emily, and I am currently the proud mother of a full grown female adult dragon, and soon to be the mother of a baby dragon that hatched today! I have a few questions about hatchling care :)


1) What temps should the heat lamp be set at? My research tells me that the basking spot should be around 100-110*F for adults, is this the same for hatchlings?

2) at what distance should the lamp(UVB and heat lamp) be set from the basking spot? I've read care sheets that say 10", some that say 8", some that say a foot, etc. so I haven't really found a straight answer yet.

3) What should I have for "decorations" in the tank? Do baby dragons need places to hide? or just places to climb and crawl between? (Logs, "huts" to climb in, fake leaves, some wood pieces, rocks, etc.)


1) Protein: I've read controversial discussions about feeding mealworms vs crickets when it comes to hatchlings. I know a hatchlings diet is supposed to consist of 80 to 90% protein and 10-20% vegetation, which flips around when they are full grown. I have a mealworm colony; would a hatchling thrive with a diet of mostly mealworms and crickets once a week, instead of crickets all the time?

2) Vegetation: What do you feed your hatchlings for veggies? I have a whole list of staples(located here) for a BD vegetation diet, is this list valid and something good to follow for both adults and hatchlings?(everything will be finely chopped and/or shredded to size of course)


1) All my animals, including the dragons, are kept on paper towels. do the babies (or adults) need a place to dig in? like a moist hide or anything? I've noticed my female digging A LOT in the past year that I've had her(never been with a male, and hasn't laid any infertile eggs, so I'm guessing she just likes to dig up and destroy her paper towels)


1) My dragon gets a warm "bath" every few days to help with shed and digestion and staying hydrated and all that. Do hatchlings need it every day? or should it be the same, every few days?

2) I keep a water dish appropriate in size and depth for each of my reptiles, even my dragon, and I'm going to do the same for the little one. Whether they want to drink out of it, use it to sit in or anything they can, if not, oh well. its still available. Do hatchlings need to be misted at all for that "extra moisture" or are the warm baths enough?

If you could help me out with any or all of these questions, that would be greatly appreciated! :D



New Member
Glendale, AZ
Also, I forgot to add, I found out last night that I'm going to be getting the hatchling at 2 or 3 weeks old, to raise it on my own(it's from a friend, he's waiting till they're about two or 3 months to sell them, but is giving me mine to raise on my own. They're all eating greens and worms and pooping just fine) what size crickets would be appropriate for this age hatchling? Should I start with pinhead crickets? Or just "smaller" of the regular sized crickets?


New Member
You have so many questions I would check out wwww.beardeddragon.org they have a great forum. The temperature you have for hatchlings is correct, adults usually like it a little lower like 95-100. Never feed a bearded dragon mealworms, they are not as nutritious as other feeders and pose a huge impaction risk. I have seen many necropsy photos of bellys full of mealworms. If your dragon is digging a lot she might need a dig box. I don't have females so I really don't know what the box needs to have in it but even with infertile egg they can get egg bound which can result in death. Do you feel eggs when your giving her a bath? The baby especially should not have any sort of loose substrate, they lick and taste everything. I would feed a baby pinhead crickets, sm. dubia, repti-worms, some people have luck with small supers but I just would not use them for a staple they are not the best. Check out this list of approved dragon foods www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html leave the salad in the tank all day and feed the baby in another tank/container its would be less stressful for the baby and then you don't have to search for the pesky crickets when he/she is done eating. Never leave crickets in the enclosure past feeding time they may bite your dragon. Also you should feed him 3 times a day but even with a baby try making them eat salad before you feed protein. Good luck with your baby!!!


New Member
Glendale, AZ
Thank you so much for all the information! I'll check out that website, I've looked up a lot of care sheets and websites already but there wasn't too much information out there on brand new hatchlings, mostly just juvies and up.
I don't feel eggs or anything out of the ordinary when giving her a bath, and since I put slate in the bottom of her tank, she hasn't been digging at all. Maybe she just didn't like the feeling of the paper towels???
When it comes to bathing the baby, how often should I bathe it and what temp should the water be at? Adults I read it should be around 80-90*, but would that be too warm for a baby?

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