Hatchling Special Needs Leo to GOOD HOME ONLY


New Member
Okay - "she" was just hatched, and I will only consider giving her for the cost of most of shipping to someone who is a longer term member (the length of time is negotiable based on knowledge maturity etc shown in interactions in the forums) of this forum, else I will keep Nemo here with me until circumstances mean I really really have to consider trusting someone that claims to be a special needs critter home that I don't have as much trust in.

I was fired last week, and hopefully won't have to rehome everyone, but figured I would start looking for Nemo a special home since she will be one of the harder to place being special needs.

Nemo is from a SHTCT het bell female from Perefalcon and a $12.50 high yellow normal het bell pet store steal male. Nemo has a deformed right front foot with seemingly no other deformities. I began incubation TS female, but my thermometer broke about 3 weeks in. I prefer that she go to a pet only home, as she is the first hatchling from this pairing so I don't know if it is genetic. The clutchmate appears fine. You can email me at [email protected].

I am in central West Virginia. I will most likely be making frequent trips to about an hour from Bluefield, VA, and near Marietta, Ohio over the summer (about once a month). I plan to visit Columbus Ohio November 9th if you are close to those areas and I will deliver her to you for free provided I do not have to rehome myself before that time.



how she doing I am normally a breeder/ herp lover but I may be interested if you need to rehome the little one


New Member
she seems to be doing okay ...

She appears to be blind in the left eye ... it appears that the skin there does not separate for the eyeball to be able to see through. I was able to hand feed her. I will be watching to determine if she can see enough with the other eye to self-feed. she can find the hinds on her own so she can see light and dark at least. I can't find my scale, but she does appear to be plumping up and growing and has shed at least once!


New Member
Sad update.

Nemo prolapsed through her cloaca the other night during a fecal movement and the decision was made to euthanize her. This was the second time this had happened - we had been able to get her back in and healed up the first time, but decided with it happening again that it was likely a defect that would again.

She is buried in a nice place in a flower bed at my home. I gave her a good chance, but alas, the Goddess decided she needed to go play at the Bridge with my hound mix Rhiannon that passed on June 7th. Rhi was so concerned about her anyway.

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