

New Member
Hi guys,
This is my first ever hatchling, and she is doing very well indeed :) When she first came out, she looked to be normal/high yellow for sure. But she is developing her mothers characteristics, and her mother is a Tremper Eclipse ( http://geckoforums.net/showthread.p...strain+albino+my+juv.+female+leopard+gecko+is ). Just so you can see what the mother looks like... But the hatchling has developed the same distinctive patterning on her head, and also started to develop the purple bands on her back!!! Can anyone tell me what they think the hatchling's morph might be? I apologise for the poor photo quality, but it was just a quick photoshoot today, just trying to show the distinctive features she has developed.
Thanks in advance guys :)


New Member
Ok, just wasnt sure. It looks very purple, not sure the photo does it justice. Maybe it'll just be a different looking normal. And no, I don't think it's eclipse, looks like snake eyes to me.

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