Health Concern..



I've had my leopard gecko for at least 8-9 years and never had any concerns about his health. However, I've become recently aware that on occasion he will behave oddly by opening his mouth wide for a brief moment only to make an audible cough-like sound (which is actually how I came to notice it) He may or may not repeat that 2 or 3 more times in a row. The behavior is not something I notice daily. It also seemed to me that his appetite had decreased a bit- although it could just be paranoia on my part (he ate the few meal worms I offered him this evening) I'm wondering if some sort of respiratory infection is to blame seeing as "gaping mouth" is an apparent symptom. Any ideas, other possibilities? Should an increase in bulb wattage be a consideration? Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.



BalloonzForU said:
When was the last time he's been checked by a herp vet and a fecal test?

Sigh, I had never thought a vet visit was absolutely necessary seeing as he always ate reasonably well and behaved in a healthy manner - obviously major error on my part. I'll look into all options now though. Hope it isn't already too late. :(


Golden Gate Geckos said:
Does it occur after he sheds by any chance?

Hmm, I don't believe I've noticed a pattern as far as shedding and mouth gaping goes- but that's interesting that you ask. In what way could they be related?



Well I got my gecko in to see a vet who specialized in reptiles and he couldn't quite identify the source of the croak-like symptom my gecko has displayed from time to time. Unfortunately I wasn't able to deliver a fecal sample to the doctor either but he still performed tests and examined him. He suspected it could be a respiratory infection as a result of insufficient heating. I went out and purchased a more reliable temp dial as well as new bulbs. The doc also gave me an antibiotic that I have to give him once every other day.

My question involves how to go about giving the the medication orally. The doc explained it to me but I need to be reminded again. I know the exact dosage and all but he had said something about using the syringe and inserting the dose at the corner of the animal's mouth. Does that make sense? Can someone please jog my memory?

Hopefully I notice some improvements in time but I'll schedule another visit if need be.


Happy Gecko Family
I think under tank heat is better than heat bulb for supplying heat for the gecko, as they prefer belly heat. About feeding the medication, I cannot get the syringe into my gecko's mouth as well; I feed them by putting a small drop on their lip, feed off the rest of the med drop by drop while they're licking. It takes a bit of time, but it works ok for me.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Sometimes, if you run the tip of the syringe back and forth on the side of their mouth, they will open enough for you to give the medication. Be very careful not to squirt it out too fast, or they can aspirate.

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