Heat Pack/Cool Pack



I am just curious on how you determine what the cut off is for heat packs and cool packs, like how many at what temp, and how many hours etc.
Are 20 hour heat packs ok? I have tons of these but need to order some 40 as well.

Just a general run down would be great like currently spring time weather but that's hard to say since the weather has been so screwed up lately.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Mandi, I always check the temperatures at not only the destination, but the shipping hub (UPS is Louisville, KY when it's East of the Rockies, and Ontario, CA on the West). If the overnight temps fall below 40 degrees or over 95 degrees, I don't ship.

Generally, the 30 hour heat packs will raise the internal box temperature by no more than 15-20 degrees, and a cool-pack will only last around 4-8 hours. The geckos should be fine in the range of 60-80 degrees without anything. A good resource for using heat packs is on the Superior Enterprise website.


Thanks Marcia I have some boxes from them, but I didnt see the shipping tips page thats great!

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