heating question


New Member
I am looking to get a leopard gecko within the next week or so; and last night I picked up the Zilla basic desert kit from Petco. I figured to go ahead and set up the enclosure so I could monitor the temp and humidity for a couple of days before aquiring the Leo. It came with 2 5.5" reflector domes and a 50 watt Day white light bulb and a 50 watt black night light bulb. I had the white light on for approximately 3 hours lastnightto try to get it up to temp; and it was at 80.1 degrees F when I turned it off and turned on the night light. The black light was able to hold the temp around 77-78 overnight; and switched them again about 6:30 this morning. As of right now; the highest temp reading I have gotten is about 85 degrees. I am using a zoo-med digital thermometer w/ probe. I have the probe set up under the eco-carpet that came with the kit right under the half-log hide spot. I was wondering what you could possibly suggest as ways to help boos the temp the extra 5-6 degrees to put it at around 88-90 degrees as needed for a leopard gecko. I am thinking maybe investing in a UTH; but would that be overkill and cause the temp to rise higher than needed; or maybe try replacing the bulb to a higher wattage (the domes are rated for 60 watt bulbs). I would appreciate any advice on this matter.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Ditch the day light, leos don't need uv lighting being a crepuscular creature, msotly active after sunset and before sunrise, so uv serves them no real benefit. Also DO get the UTH because belly heat is what is most important to leos as it aides in their proper digestion. Your uth should cover approx. 1/3rd of the tanks floor surface with your probe directly on teh floor over the uth for the most accurate temps. Humidity doesn't need to be high for leopard geckos. No need to mist often. Just keep a humid hide in the tank with either damp paper towels in a tupperware dish with a hole cut in it, or under one of those artificial rocks to look better or sphagnum moss but some leos are averse to the moss if never exposed to itbefore. I know my leo always picks the paper towel hide over the moss hide. Proper temos should bebetween 88-95 for the days and you don'tneed to adjust temps fornight. Providing the temp gradient from warm side to cool side they will thermoregulate as they need. What are the dimensions of your tank? Did the kid provide you with any tupe of multi vitimin supplimentor calcium (with or with out D3)? Your leo will need both. I highly recommend the Repashy calcium plus icb or the T-Rex leopared gecko dust icb by sandfire foods. Dust feeders every feeding or every other depending on the age/size/condition of your leo. It makes supplimenting practically fool-proof.


New Member
OK; thank you for the input. The dimensions of the tank are 20L X 10W X 12H. Also; have been doing my research; however thought that the kit with the light would create enough heat.....did read that Leos don't need any light to stimulate their digestion like most other kinds of lizards. Also picked up a little bottle of the T-Rex Leopard Gecko + vitamin and mineral supplement.


v Snowflake v
I was actually looking at those kits on sunday. Sale prices aren't too shabby.

If you still can. I would suggest exchanging that kit for their "tropical" kit. It is better suited for a leo since it has the heat mat instead of the second light.


New Member
Well; the local petco I purchased it from is going out of business and picked it up at their "store closing" sale.....so returning it for the exchange is out of the question. I'm just gonna go out and get a UTH and keep the light dome as a back up in case needed. What UTH should I get.....checked out the zoo-meds at petco.com and petsmart.com; but according to customers reviews; they weren't warming up the tank enough. Is this due to either improper use of heater (location; etc.) or is it the fact that possibly these people had too heavy a layer of substrate within their enclosure. ZDon't want to spend a whole heaping load of money; but also do want whatever will help my future leo stay comfy in it's new home. I am gonna be getting a juvenile from the local pet shop up here; so using the Zilla Eco-carpet liner as the substrate for now (don't even want to risk impaction.....used to have 3 Carolina Anoles and lost 2 of the 3 due to them swallowing the substrate). Or; I may even just go with the paper towel method for right now since I have seen somewhere that the juvenile's toes can get caught within the fibers of the carpet. Would the zoo-med put out enough heat for this enclosure??

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Honestly I love the ultratherm and cobra brand uth's. I have some sites online where you can get the mif your local petco doesn't carry the T-Rex cobra mat (it's very rare to actually find ultratherm cobra uth in most animal supply stores). They put out a constant 100 degree heat and use all copper banding rather than wire making it more dureable and true, which is nice but you may also need a rheostat or thermostat to control the extra heat. I needed to add a rheostat to my 20 long with the cobra 6x11 7 watt because I was hitting 101 with ambient room temps. Juvie leos need a consistant temp in the low to mid 90's to maintain proper health. Babies like it a bti warmer fromwhat Iunderstand. I would also not use the repti carpet, but that is a personal preference as I don't want to subject my leo to anything that could potentially hurt him which is why I used vinyl 12x12 self adhesive simulated slate tiles for my substrait (there's some pix of my set up in my user profile if you want to see how it looks). They heat wonderfully, don't have some of the problems you may encounter with using cermic or porcelain or even natural slate tiles, and before you ask NO they don't put out any off gasses if you go with the high end stuff. I have never used zoomed uth but do have an exoterra heatwave desert on my son't ball python's tank and I HATE it. With a slate bottom tank it barely reaches 80 degrees. Can't wait to upgrade him to the ultratherm the end of the month.


v Snowflake v
I don't see why the zoomed wouldn't heat up enough. I have the medium size one on a thermostat In my 20 gallon long tank and it heats up to the programmed 95 degrees very quickly. I have thick tiles on the floor. Those reviewers might have been measuring the temp wrong or got a defective unit. Hopefully someone with the small size will chime in.

And I would avoid repticarpet. My girly always got her feet and mouth stuck on it.


New Member
Thank you both for the advice......I sure am glad I didn't jump right in and get ly leo yesterday. At least now I'll be able to try a few things out and go from there. I figured a few days wait until I bring him/her home is worth it to ensure it's safety and comfort.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Absolutely :) To err on the side of caution is always best. I think it's quite admireable to make sure you're all set up and operating properly before jumping into your leo. More people need to do that, esp. since you're getting a juvie from a petshop that might already be a lil underhealthy. I had my tank set up for a good week before I had my breeder send my leo just to make sure everything was performing properly and nothing failed on me.

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