Heating source question...


New Member
Stamford, CT
I have tried searching but haven't found basic answers to my heating questions.

I currently have UTH pads for my 2 tanks...1 10 gal tank for my male...and I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 young females housed together for the time being. I think I would prefer to house the girls separately and at least for now I am considering using plastic tub/containers but concerned about how to heat those....can you use a UTH on them? Or is it better to use heat tape? And what exactly are people referring to when they say heat tape? Is it actually tape? Or is it a mesh like cable thing? I would appreciate any help in learning about these things...links to what others may use as far as heat tape/cables go?

Oh yeah...and another question I have is how to re-secure a UTH that has been used previously on other tanks? My bf has other reptiles so had a used UTH that I am using on my 10 gal tank...but it's stickiness has worn off so doesn't stay quite well...is there a way to reattach it with tape or something without it being a fire hazard?

Thank you in advance for any info you can share with me!


New Member
NE Ohio
When I used a plastic tub for my leo's as babies, I heated them with ultratherm heat pads from Reptile Basics. They don't get as hot as the zoo med's you get from the pet store. Ultratherms do not stick to enclosures so I hold them on using gorilla duct tape (regular duct tape will not work).


New Member
I think it would be fine to use a heatpad on a tub system. But I would definitely get a thermostat to monitor temperatures so they don't get too hot and burn the plastic. Also the tubs you use, check the labels and see if there are any safety hazards just in case. As for reusing sticky heat pads, I've used electric tape. It works but I didn't like the look. I turned out just buying another heatpad. Good luck :)

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