hey there! i recently just got an adorable baby gecko from a reptile expo, in orlando, 2 add 2 my lil family!!! such a beautiful lil creature!!! i also have a 1 yr old bearded dragon, of which i've had since he wuz just a wee lil baby! i've been a member of a bearded dragon forum 4 a long time now & figured hey, might as well join a gecko forum now lol. looking forward 2 getting 2 kno some members & racking my brain full of info 2 ensure a happy & healthy life 4 my lil nemo! so i have a few questions...if my room temp is around 87 degrees(the ac needs repair), than do i still need a heat source 4 my gecko? & the man i acquired my gecko from, stated 2 just get a gatorade cap & fill it w/calcium powder. he said his gecko's go 2 it & lick the powder out of it when needed. is this true & how long will it take my gecko 2 figure it out? i've also read that gecko's do not require ne uv light, so wut wud be the best light fixture 2 use, just 2 add some light 2 the enclosure so i can see my lil beauty? also, is it okay to have my digital thermometer at the floor of the enclosure? the 1st day i got my gecko, he roamed around his new 10g enclosure quite a bit, exploring his new home. i also witnessed his smart butt already getting in his water dish & drinking from it. but the past few days, he has only stayed in a couple spots of his enclosure most of the time w/his eyes closed...is this normal? the day i got him, sunday the 20th, he ate 4 crix & has continued 2 eat 4 crix a day. the man i got him from said 2 only feed him 4 small crix a day, is this correct? sorry all, i am loaded w/questions..just wanna make sure i am doing everything up 2 par. now, regarding nemo's enclosure, it is a 10g tank. i have 2 hides, 1 of which has moist spagnum moss 2 help w/shedding. a small water dish, a powerade cap w/calcium powder in, i'm using repti-carpet 4 the substrate, i have fake leaves above & hanging over 1 hide on his favorite side of the tank. i also have a digital thermometer on the floor of the enclosure by his moist hide. plz let me kno if everything sounds right & if i need 2 add/fix nething! all repsonses wud be so very much appreciated!!! thank u!!!