hello all! newbie here!!!


New Member
hey there! i recently just got an adorable baby gecko from a reptile expo, in orlando, 2 add 2 my lil family!!! :) such a beautiful lil creature!!! i also have a 1 yr old bearded dragon, of which i've had since he wuz just a wee lil baby! i've been a member of a bearded dragon forum 4 a long time now & figured hey, might as well join a gecko forum now lol. looking forward 2 getting 2 kno some members & racking my brain full of info 2 ensure a happy & healthy life 4 my lil nemo! :) so i have a few questions...if my room temp is around 87 degrees(the ac needs repair), than do i still need a heat source 4 my gecko? & the man i acquired my gecko from, stated 2 just get a gatorade cap & fill it w/calcium powder. he said his gecko's go 2 it & lick the powder out of it when needed. is this true & how long will it take my gecko 2 figure it out? i've also read that gecko's do not require ne uv light, so wut wud be the best light fixture 2 use, just 2 add some light 2 the enclosure so i can see my lil beauty? also, is it okay to have my digital thermometer at the floor of the enclosure? the 1st day i got my gecko, he roamed around his new 10g enclosure quite a bit, exploring his new home. i also witnessed his smart butt already getting in his water dish & drinking from it. but the past few days, he has only stayed in a couple spots of his enclosure most of the time w/his eyes closed...is this normal? the day i got him, sunday the 20th, he ate 4 crix & has continued 2 eat 4 crix a day. the man i got him from said 2 only feed him 4 small crix a day, is this correct? sorry all, i am loaded w/questions..just wanna make sure i am doing everything up 2 par. now, regarding nemo's enclosure, it is a 10g tank. i have 2 hides, 1 of which has moist spagnum moss 2 help w/shedding. a small water dish, a powerade cap w/calcium powder in, i'm using repti-carpet 4 the substrate, i have fake leaves above & hanging over 1 hide on his favorite side of the tank. i also have a digital thermometer on the floor of the enclosure by his moist hide. plz let me kno if everything sounds right & if i need 2 add/fix nething! all repsonses wud be so very much appreciated!!! thank u!!!



New Member
here is a photo of nemo's set-up. i have a powerade cap w/calcium powder behind the fake leaves u can't really see. let me kno how this looks 4 a baby gecko!!!


New Member
3 Year Member
Plainfield, IN
Welcome! Your setup looks good to me (although I've never had a leo, so hopefully somebody else jumps in here soon). He probably needs a heat lamp or UTH on one side of the tank, that way there's a hot side and a cool side so he can regulate his temperature easily. Not sure exactly what the hot temperature is supposed to be, but if he isn't warm enough that could be why he's not moving around much. Also, he's in a new place and sometimes it takes them awhile to get comfortable. Not sure about the UV light; I think there's some debate about that. I've never used it for my cresties (which are nocturnal like leos) and they've grown up fine. If you don't use it, just make sure you give him calcium with vitamin D in it. He will lick it out of the dish (and probably make a big mess of it :p ).


Well-Known Member
I'd say the set up is pretty good! Though here is all i recommend. Getting rid of the Sand. Sand can cause Impaction for leopard Geckos which can give alot of Health Risks. Besides that try to keep it Slightly hummid when you see signs of shedding. Dont get any Geckos to go with it untill this ones Gender is figured out to avoid fighting and then from there on you gecko will be fine. Make sure to stick to feed your gecko 2 - 3 Worms a Day. Your gecko seems pretty small so when it gets old move up to 3 - 5. For better taming results dont always rush in to handling and observe from a distance. Your gecko will get used to you being around and it will be alot nicer in handling. Last thing NEVER HOLD from the tail. Other then that your good to go! We have alot of Threads around here explaining the Must Do things and what will help keep your gecko healthy in pretty much any situation.


New Member
okay, thank u both so much 4 ur replies!!!! as 4 the substrate, as i stated above, it's not sand. it's repti-carpet, i wud never use sand on my reptiles. i see no sense in risking impaction. & since my room temp is @ 87 degrees, than do i still need a heat source? also, wut wud be a good light source, just 2 shed some light in2 the enclosure? i've been feeding him 4 small crix a day, as the breeder informed me 2 do. but i plan on getting some phoenix worms next tuesday. i dust the crix w/calcium powder & also as stated above, have a powerade cap w/some calci powder in it. & does every1 else put the thermometer @ the bottom of the enclosure?


New Member
3 Year Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I'd keep the heat source, if they are using it. They need belly heat to help them digest. But if they are too hot, and avoiding it completely, then turn it off. I sometimes turn mine off during the day, then back on at night. They do need a cool side, and a warm side.

Keep the calcuim available at all times, but you might vary the food a bit more. Switch around to some other insects such as roaches, super worms, meal worm and wax worms for treats. Everyone appreciates variety!:rolleyes: And as your little one is growing, he'll need more food at times. Once they reach adult size, the eating levels off.

They won't move around much during the day, and be active at night. Consider a red bulb so you can watch them, but won't disturb their natural cycle.

He looks like a very handsome gecko! You're doing great. And welcome to the forum!!!!

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Make sure it's calcium without any d3, the setup seems fine, but try to get the ac fixed asap, since if the whole tank is that warm, then they can't go anywhere cooler. Is it going into the moist hide at all? You can use a standard light bulb, but I use an exo terra 60w sunglow, it seems to go perfect with an under tank heater with a layer of reptile carpet, and it's not pricey at all.


New Member
thanks 4 ur replies guys! :) i am glad 2 be here!!! i have an under tank heating pad, but if i turn it on, it gets waaaay 2 hot in the enclosure. maybe i need 2 purchase the smallest heating pad they have available @ petsmart than. it rarely goes in2 the moist hide. i kno i'm not suppose 2 handle it 2 much, as it's still getting acclimated 2 it's new home, but i showed it the moist hide & it went in it 4 bout 10 mins, than came back out. dubia roaches are illegal in florida, i have yet 2 get my hands on some discoids, but i plan on purchasing some phoenix worms this commin up tuesday. i've fed them 2 my beardie & he loved em, plus the size is perfect 4 my lil guy/girl!


New Member
oh & does ne1 kno how much & how often i shud feed my baby? i have an idea, but i'd just like 2 make sure it's correct.


Well-Known Member
Im proud that your using Repti - Carpet, Spread the word to every one else who has leopard geckos. Sand causes Impaction and a leopard gecko shouldnt even have to go through that.


New Member
oh yes! i certainly agree!!!! no sense in putting our poor scaley friends thru it!!!! many ppl like the look of it, but i think repti-carpet looks just fine! i also own a bearded dragon & many ppl argue over the sand issue w/em as well, but i still see no sense in risking impaction if u don't have 2!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh yes! i certainly agree!!!! no sense in putting our poor scaley friends thru it!!!! many ppl like the look of it, but i think repti-carpet looks just fine! i also own a bearded dragon & many ppl argue over the sand issue w/em as well, but i still see no sense in risking impaction if u don't have 2!!!!
I honestly cant say any thing too sand. My friend owns a Fully grown bearded Dragon who swims and stuff in a Small kiddy pool with barley any water though hes fine on sand. I honestly only know that it is horrible for leopard geckos.


New Member
ahhh yah, ppl have mixed feelings bout it. but beardie's tend 2 walk around their tank sticking their tongue's out, licking everything. so i'll stay away from the sand as i always have, 4 my beardie & gecko. repti-carpet works just fine 4 me & my scaley babys!!! :) lol

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