Hello all! Tank setup for new gecko?



Well its been a LONG time since I used this site and recently got an email in my inbox. and it brought back so many old memories of the Tokays that I have kept years ago and all the other lizards and pets.

I currently have a 10gallon tank and a 55gal long ? I believe it is.

I am not so sure I wanna get back into keeping lizards or geckos ATM but I would like to find out some info.

If I go with setting up the 10gal tank I wanna know what I could keep pair wise in it M/F? Id really like to keep one male and one female or maybe one male two females. dont want something I cannot hold like my tokays that I had :( althought they were nice/fun to have watch and listen to I have my neices that come around a nosey pitbull terrior and I cannot have something meanier then my Red Belly Piranhas lol.

so if I set the 10 gal up Id also like to get a cool pet something thats nice lepords are nice but I dont know that I like them that much? they dont seem like a pet for me.

would prefer to have something I could feed live foods too like pinkies or small fuzzys.

also if I set the 55gal up Id be open for a slightly larger lizard/gecko but would still like a pair. something I can still handle fairly easy to care for that wouldnt require too much work.

Feeding live foods like fuzzys and mice and pinkies would be good since thats what I feed my fish.

sorry im not real open to what I want but I really dont know right off. Ive been searching for something I like but cant really find the right one?


Wow, Thanks just what I was looking for in terms of an answer.

But, I guess Ill find something out myself. I dunno thinking about Gargoyle and Crested.. Dunno which I would rather keep though.

which is easier?


Senior Member
I would say that crested geckos are going to be the easiest to care, for, according to my research. I have never actually kept either species though, so I wouldn't be able to tell you for sure. Gargoyles will be able to eat the mice for you better though.

Sorry, that I’m not much help.


Thanks for the reply Ive been doing some reading up I just wanted something cool that I could handle and dont have to worry about it trying to eat me everytime It needs its tank cleaned. Just want another cool pet.

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