Hello all


New Member
Solon, OH
Hello all,

I recently purchased a Leopard Gecko at the Cleveland Reptile Show, she is a Super Hypo Tangerine, not really sure what that means but I'm doing some research on this forum. The young man I purchased her from told me about her but of course I forgot what he said. My son and I plan on getting more Geckos but only had money for the one. We had Gecko's before we purchased from a chain pet store but they died, based on what I learned so far they were sick when we got them. Their tails were extremely thin. Anyway we are not really new to reptiles. We have have a Bearded Dragon, one Dumerils Boa, two redtails, one is an Anery and the other is a DH for albino and Sunglow I think. All these morphs really confuse me. Anyway just wanted to say hello and prepare you guys for the many questions to come, after I use the search option of course :D


Hello meb357 welcome to GF you have came to the right place alot of great info on leos and people that will help you on what you need. So come on in and join us. :)

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