Hello All!


Hats Off Exotics
Hello everyone!,
Although I have made a few posts already I thought I should introduce myself!

My name is Andrew and unlike most teenagers my room is filled with reptiles and fish! I loved herps and fish since I was very young and my life has been quite devoted towards them since. I would like to be a Herpetologist when I get older (PA is not the best place for this lol). I have Crohns disease and often find myself home sick from school for extended periods of time watching and caring for my reptiles and fish instead of watching tv.
For my birthday a few years ago I got Manny, my panther chameleon! My mother asked me what I wanted, a new panther chameleon or a laptop.... well you now see my choice. Manny is now about 2 and 1/2 and looking great!
I also currently have 5 leopard geckos and would like to start breeding them! so more coming soon! They include 3 RAPTOR's, a tangerine het eclipse, and an eclipse. Saving up to go to the next reptile show!

I keep many african cichlids....Mbuna and Peacocks to be exact but they're a whole other story! :)
and last but not least I have Julio, my albino Axolotl. He holds a special place in my room and heart :)

Thats my story, thanks everyone! :main_thumbsup:


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Hello Andrew,

Welcome to GF and you've got some collection there mate but it's lovely how you've devoted your life to them, even though your ill and i wish you all the best where the chrons is concerned.

Add some pic's please if possible as it would be lovely to see your collection.
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Hats Off Exotics
Hello Andrew,

Welcome to GF and you've got some collection there mate but it's lovely how you've devoted your life to them, even though your ill and i wish you all the best where the chrons is concerned.

Add some pic's please if possible as it would be lovely to see your collection.
Thanks its a day to day thing with my crohns but my reptiles and creatures help in the most ways!
Welcome post up some pictures~


This is Manny the panther chameleon.

Not so puffed up lol

Juvie male eclipse Cliff about 20 grams now except missing a small piece of tail :( hes for sale too

Female juvie RAPTOR Renee also about 20 grams....shes a piece of work if ya know what i mean lol Neither of the juvies are on sand any more as I now know the dangers!

My male RAPTOR chaos about 40 grams

Female RAPTOR Pandia about 30 grams

Female Tangerine het RAPTOR Miss Verde about 30 grams....this pic does her no justice as she has beautiful colors.

And last but not least Julio my Albino Axolotl

Sorry it was such a long post but this is all of them :D


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Hi Andrew,

What a beautiful collection mate and such outstanding colours 'Fantastic'


New Member
Hello! and welcome to GF! I love your chameleon! Manny's beautiful! I always loved their feet xD I got excited when I scrolled down and saw your axolotl :D I was like OMG NO WAY. AN AXOLOTL <3 Always wanted one haha I already have too many tanks (or so my parents think) in my house though (I'm also a fish keeper :D). I bet your tanks are beautiful! I see some of those mbuna tanks on youtube and I'm just like :O haha Nice leos as well! So cute ^_^
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Hats Off Exotics
Thanks everyone! They all appreciate the comments too! :main_thumbsup:

Hello! and welcome to GF! I love your chameleon! Manny's beautiful! I always loved their feet xD I got excited when I scrolled down and saw your axolotl :D I was like OMG NO WAY. AN AXOLOTL <3 Always wanted one haha I already have too many tanks (or so my parents think) in my house though (I'm also a fish keeper :D). I bet your tanks are beautiful! I see some of those mbuna tanks on youtube and I'm just like :O haha Nice leos as well! So cute ^_^

Haha thanks glad you like them! Most people dont even know what an Axolotl is and when they find out usually people just think hes ugly.....I disagree! I have a 55 gallon mbuna tank and im in the process of expanding my other peacock tank to a 55 gallon also :3 If only I had a bigger room cause my parents are the same way :D

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