Hello and a Question



I am new to the board. I came across it looking for the best care for my new crested. I have kept many reptiles over the years, but this little guy has a lot of personality.

I know that you probably get this question a lot, but I could not find the answer. What is a good diet for my new crested. The little guy is young. body is about 2" long. Right now he is eating a mixture of 1 part T-Rex CGD, 2 part baby food, and 3 parts RO water. He seems to enjoy it and was going right to the fresh dish as soon as I place it in the cage. I feed a fresh mixture each night soon after lights out and take out in the morning. Does anyone have any suggestions on if this is a good diet for him or do I need to mix it up? Should I add calcium powder to the mix a couple of times a week? Thanks for the advice.

Tiny chibi

Add a sprinkle of supplementation and mix it in to the diet if you've added baby food.

Valley Reptiles

New Member
Take out the baby food, it will only cause problems. When the cgd is mixed with water it is a balanced diet and the gecko can live off of that forever.


Sonoran desert
I agree with Fire above.. Remove the baby food 1 part CGD 2 parts water.
Some people feed their crested's just cgd, from what I understand they do ok on just CGD but better with crickets added. I feed mine both. I give them CGD every two to three days, and crickets every couple of nights.

I just want to add some people feel it best to do their CGD nightly other let it sit a little(Few days top, watch for mold) this is all stuff to experience with and see what works best for your situation.

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