Hello everyone from WA!


New Member
Hello guys, long time lurker finally joining in. I currently have 3 leos that are adorable and teaching me a lot about husbandry and how different their personalities can be! I moved from Mexico to the States around 9 years ago, and after finishing college I had some depression issues. Three years ago, these guys became part of my family and help me get over my health issues!

Now I own some other reptiles too(and cats of course), and all of them are a joy to care for. Today, I am super excited because tomorrow is the seattle expo! I am looking to add more geckos to my family, but I don't know yet which ones... Will love to get cave geckos, but they are rare around this parts...
Definetly gonna look for some nice lechies or chewies and maybe a small rack for ball pythons! And supplies... lots of supplies.

Anyways, thanks for reading and hope to someday get into breeding for making the community grow more.

bytheway... wondering how much do adult lechies eat, anyone knows? ( some reptiles eat like monsters compared to my leos Oo)

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