Hello everyone!


My name is Joanna. I am new to this forum. Looking for support and advice. I have 11 months old leopard gecko female- Leo and recently adopted another one ( giant) 15 month old female- stitch. Stitch is much bigger then Leo but they so far stick together and get along in every way, unfortunately that includes- not eating. New arrival is not supprice to me she won't eat yet (4 days) but my 11 month ? She was eating before stitch arrived regularly and with great appetite, now....they both won't eat....please help me please?

SC Geckos

New Member
Welcome to GF.
New geckos should be quarantined for 60 - 90 days to ensure there are no illnesses/issues that can be passed on to any other animals in your collection. I would separate them into different enclosures, clean the enclosures and everything in them to be on the safe side.
It is possible that it is as simple as stress on both animals, one being new and the other not use to having a cage mate. Leopard geckos are generally solitary animals and tend to do better when housed separately. If you do decide to house leos together they need to be the same size or the smaller one can get bullied... or worse. I would try keeping them in different enclosures and monitor them for a few days and see if either one begins to eat. If it goes longer than a week or so it may not be a bad idea to get them both checked by a vet.

Good Luck.
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