Hello few questions about starting


New Member
Hi, Just wondering if anyone can give me any tip's. I have always loved geckos.
Wanting to get a few for breeding to have not wanting to make lots of money, just enough to maybe pay for them selves. Already built the racks wanted to get that all done before ordering. Any help on what morphs i should get. fat tail or leo's doesn't matter I love them both! I have done tons of research just no one really says to much about what morphs are doing the best in today's market.
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New Member
You will not even break even. Most breeders won't begin making money for at least a few years. Start-up costs are expensive.


New Member
New Hampshire
I have a degree in business and going from what I know about business mixed with what I have read about breeding, a few years of dumping money and hard work into breeding is needed before breaking even. Generally speaking however most businesses will see a loss for the first couple of years.


New Member
Ah ok, that's fine. what would be a good morph base to start out with. Thank you for the help so far :)
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New Member
If I were you, I would do a lot of research on morphs and see what you like the best. I only know about leopard geckos, not fat tails. There are a lot of different routes you could go, but everyone likes something different, and what one person says is the most popular will be different for the next person. I personally like the Enigma gene, even though there are a lot of problems associated with the morph, so its not something I would start out with. I am not a breeder, by the way.

Anyway, in general, you should probably pick an albino strain to work with out of the 3. There are Tremper, Bell, and Rainwater. Trempers are the most common, and Bell is the second most common. There are some new morph combinations coming out with the Bells if you are looking for something newer on the market, but Tremper morph combinations are easier to come by.

Basically, find a gecko that you like the look of and make sure you enjoy breeding them so you can make quality geckos and not just a product to sell and make money off of (which is unlikely, at least at first.)

Hope I helped :)


Hats Off Exotics
Well as said above it really depends on what you like!
My only word of caution to you is make sure you have a market ready (pet store, website, show, etc) and dont breed too many your first year. This is my first season and I am only breed 3 or 4. Once people know you have good quality geckos and a good business you can breed more.

For a good base besides what you like, start out with something like SHTCT, snows, eclipse, and theres nothing wrong with the good ole' albinos! Its what you like mostly. I dont suggest starting with something like a marble eye or W/Y until you have a reputation and a good market.

Just remember quality is best and you cant expect to buy a $20 petstore gecko and sell the hatchlings for $200. Good breeders spend alot of money on their breeding stock, myself included and put alot of time into perfecting their animals so you and I and everyone else can buy beautiful animals. Its not the amount of money you spend but the quality of the animal that usually go together. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Ya I am going to start out really small. Being new I know it takes time to build rep so having 20 breeders wont do my much good if I cant sell them. I have done tons of research on morphs just soo many different kinds. Thank you again for all the help and suggestions.


Happy Gecko Family
If you're new to geckos, I suggest you start with a couple of babies, raise them up and solve all the problems that you'll encounter. When they reached adult stage, you'll probably have enough experience to deal with breeding and more babies.

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