Hello from Graceful Geckos!


New Member
Hello All my name is Robert, I just wanted to introduce myself. My wife and I have been keeping and breeding leos for the last 6 yrs, We have been mostly a local Knoxville, TN breeder since we started but have recently decided to come online with our leos to let the world see them. We breed several different morphs and are in the process of selective breeding a few morphs to "try" to create something new and unique. We are mainly working with Tangs, Shtctb, Enigmas, Trempers, Sunglows, Raptors, Aptors, and some lines of snows. We will be listing some online for sale as to allow some of the best breeders out there access to our geckos, as well as to purchase some of the amazing geckos all of you create. We are so happy to belong to a community that creates some of the best and most unique geckos out there. And cannot wait to start sharing with you all in the hopes to make them better and brighter! Thank you all. Will post some pix of some of our breeders soon. Thanks from Robert & Ashley.
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North Bay
Welcome, its always good to have some experience, here alot of people, including myself, have many many questions, glad you're here, hope you like it,


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