Hello from Philippines


New Member
Hello Folks, I'm a US Citizen now living in the Philippines. Last month, I bought 17 Tokay Geckos that people here are selling. Tokays are big business here. So, I figured, it's much better for me to buy these Tokays than for people to sell these to be eaten.

So far, I rescued 17 Tokays already, 2 died and I released 4 in my house to control insects.

Anyways, hope to share and learn from all the experienced folks here.

Jojo Jaro

BTW, I would like to sell some of the Hermetia Illucens worms I produce. I can't seem to find the correct section to post my for sale. I don't want to violate any of the TOS, so can somebody point me to the right forum to post for sale of my Hermetia Illucens worms (Phoenix worms or Repti-worms or Calci-Worms.)

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