Hello, from South Africa

Gecko Boy

New Member
Hello Everyone,

My name is David and I am a gecko fanatic, I used to breed normals and albinos for the fun of it but my friend and I would like to start a breeding facility which only sells their own stock. Please could you guys and girls answer the folowing:

In SA we only have a small number of morphs my friend and I would like to change that. So what morphs would we use to create the morphs een acrros the world?

Does anyone have any links or websites on how to breed leopard geckos-creating new morphs

Laslty does anyone have any information on building a large incubator more than 20 eggs?

Looking forward to learning new things,



Est; 1992
London, UK
Start off by learning your genetics!
I would start by browsing around this website you will find tonnes of info on it.
Then proceed to www.leopardgeckowiki.com for all the morphs and some pictures + descriptions.
After this decide on what you want to try and create.
Love geckos has a genetics calculator, somone might have a link go onto this to find out the odds of you creating your desired morph.

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