Hello I need some help!


New Member
Hello my name is Katherine Henry,

I have a question about gecko eggs, I am concerned about these two. They look like they are growing mold ( they are set to hatch any day now , but I haven't seen any movement of any kind from them .) When we candle them they still look pink and there are defiantly geckos in there.

Any advice as to what I am doing wrong? These are leopard gecko eggs . We are at 53 days.

I have the incubator set to 28 degrees C


Any help would be great!

Thank you :)

- Katherine


Ridgewood, NJ
If I see mold on my eggs I tend to pick them up and wipe them off. I draw a black mark on the top of the egg so I can remember which end is up. It won't kill the egg to flip it but it may stress the baby so I try to keep them the same way. It looks as though you have holes in the side of your container. Usually holes are a bad idea. They let too much moisture escape and once it doe it is difficult to maintain a proper humidity level which is especially important when you are using a suspended incubation method like a GEO or SIM. You also want to make sure the substrate you're using isn't touching the bottom of the GEO or it can create too much moisture around the eggs. I rarely am able to see movement in my eggs so that doesn't necessarily mean they won't hatch but the one on the left in that photo looks a bit far gone. The one on the right may be okay still and 53 days is still within reason at the temperature you are incubating them at. The most you can do at this point is cross your fingers and hope they hatch. I'd get as much mold off of them as possible and leave them for another 7-10 days or until they look really nasty before calling it quits on them. Good luck!!

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