Hello, I'm new!


New Member
Hello, my name is Erin. I'm a young teen from Northern Michigan, where it's steaming in the summer, freezing in the winter. I'm in middle school, and my favorite subject is science, perferrably when it's about animals. I have a dog named Jack, and some fish in my tropical tank. Soon, probably around July or August, I will most likely be adding a Leopard Gecko to my family of pets. Just to let you know, I tend to stretch my stories longer than they need to be.

My favorite animal? Well it all depends. I don't have just one because that would exclude all the other wonderful creatures on this Earth! My favorite book? Again I can't choose just one, I'll just have to choose a series. The Hunger Games, all the way! I do have a favorite video game, though. Well, a video game series, look at picky little me, being all picky again. Hahaha! My favorite video game SERIES is Animal Crossing. My favorite movie is the Hunger Games (of course!) My favorite song? Again, I have many. Bangarang, Safe and Sound, I'm Yours, Ave Maria, etc... I have too many!

My fears, well this'll be a long list. Elevators, although that one's getting better, spiders (ech! Except the baby ones, they're kinda cute.) steepness, because I'm afraid I'll fall, a couple people whose names shall not be said, and... CHALK! Oh the sound, the feeling, the horidness!

When/if I get a leopard gecko, it's (not sure if it will be a he or she) name will be Sammy. If it is a boy, his name will be Samuel Maxwell Alphie Leonard Leonardo, Sammy for short. (Notice how his initials are SMALL. The girl's will be the same way.) If it is a girl, her name will be Samantha Martha Abigail Lexus Laine.

Well, I better not stretch this too long. I've got one more thing to say before I close my introduction. I have read many books about leopard geckos and similar reptiles, but I love any help on animals if possible. So yeah, thanks!

LeoGirl1999 (aka Erin)


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Welcome to Geckoforums! There is tons of informative information on here for you to browse if you ever need any help, and never be afraid to ask!


New Member
Okay! I have one question right now. What is the minimum size tank/tub/habitat one leo should have? I have seen so many different answers, so that's like the one thing I can never seem to find out.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
You really shouldn't go any smaller than a 10 gallon long terrarium for one gecko. They are terrestrial lizards, meaning that they spend all their time on the ground, unlike arboreal lizards, who spend a majority of time in the trees. Leopard geckos need more ground space than height in an enclosure. The general rule of thumb is 10 gallons per gecko. Since both mine are what you could call "spoiled", they both have their own 20 gallon longs, and love them. It really depends on how much you want to spend on your gecko, or how big or elaborate you want your enclosure to be, but I personally would start with something small and simple like a 10-15 gallon long for one gecko. However, if you ever feel like your gecko is getting to big for it (Giant genes for example), or if you simply want a larger enclosure, you can certainly go bigger over time if you feel like it.
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New Member
I have a RubberMaid tub/pin that is about 14 gallons (almost 15.) I've heard of people using those for geckos and then drilling air holes in the top or sides. The only thing that worries me about that is that the heat pad might melt it. Anyone have that happen before? I also have a ten gallon fish tank (which has fish in it right now, lol. I could wait awhile longer if it's better to use glass instead of plastic, though.)

I'm pretty creative, so I could make a second level to either habitat. The only thing I'd be afraid of then is having the gecko fall from it and die. (That'd be REALLY sad.) But it would give it more space.

@LeopardShade Would the RubberMaid pin be okay?

@Chloe If I have any questions, I'll be sure to ask you. ;)

@Martinez2828 Isn't chalk just terrible?! But not only do I hate it, I have a slight phobia of it. At school we had to use it and the person passing it out threw a piece at me and I started to cry. (Yeah, I cried, but not a lot, only a little. More of a sob I guess.)


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Rubbermaid bins are commonly and almost exclusively used with breeders and hobbyists who have tons of geckos due to their convenience and inexpensive costs. If you are just getting one gecko, I don't believe there is any need to house it in a plastic bin, unless that is truly what you want. I'd stick with glass enclosures for now.

I've always been scared of second levels as well, for the same reason you mentioned.


New Member
USA i guess. No state 4 U!
I don't really think the rubbermaid bucket would be the best, erin. It could melt if the pad gets warm enough. The plastic also won't get warm enough from the pad, you know the whole thing about plastic not holding heat. I currently have a 10 gal fish tank, with a heat pad under it. The tank only cost about 12 dollars, no biggie. That'll happily house one leo.
:) Keep the questions going!


New Member
Wow! I just found a 30 gallon tank on Craigslist.com for $20. What are the dimensions for a 30 gallon? (regular, not long.)

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