Hello new to geckos

Thom Noble

New Member
Hi Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but here it go's. I got my first gecko today from a add on cragslist.The lady said it was a boy, he is about 5-6 inches. It came with his 10 gallon tank two hides and a water dish. The sub was bark and very dirty, and he is very skinny :(. I cleaned all the bark out washed the tank very good and I'm using paper towels now for my sub. I gave him 2 crickets he ate no issue:), and I cut a box up for a temp hide. The other two hides are sokeing overnight they were very dirty. I put a heat pad on the side of his tank. I got some flux cricket feed to gut load the others and some calcium powder. What eles can I do or fix what I'm doing wrong?


New Member
Clearwater, FL
I am no expert as I am having problems with 2 of my geckos and their weight. Did you say she had him on bark? He could have ingested some and be impacted. He could just be underfed. I would feed and feed him until he is done. Also what is the temp in the tank? You can try a few waxworms a week until he is up on weight (you dont want to continue feeding them waxworms because its like crack to them lol) he could also have parasites which you need to take him to a vet to get treated. I would take him to a vet (find one that really knows reptiles) anyways just to get a good checkup. Good Luck!


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Hi Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but here it go's. I got my first gecko today from a add on cragslist.The lady said it was a boy, he is about 5-6 inches. It came with his 10 gallon tank two hides and a water dish. The sub was bark and very dirty, and he is very skinny :(. I cleaned all the bark out washed the tank very good and I'm using paper towels now for my sub. I gave him 2 crickets he ate no issue:), and I cut a box up for a temp hide. The other two hides are sokeing overnight they were very dirty. I put a heat pad on the side of his tank. I got some flux cricket feed to gut load the others and some calcium powder. What eles can I do or fix what I'm doing wrong?

The warm end under his hide needs to be between 88-95 deg surface temp ,not ambient temps

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