Hello....new to the site and gecko ownership...


New Member
Newberg, OR, USA
Just bought a leo and setup. I've done quite a bit of research so I'm pretty confident his viv has everything he needs. Now I'm juts trying to get him to stop biting me.

His name is Dexter, my name is Ryan. I live in Newberg, Oregon.


New Member
Hello Ryan and Welcome to the site! Is your Leo still a juvinile or adult? Just let him walk through your fingers and he will start to get used to being held and hopefully stop the biting! Good luck!


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Hello Ryan and welcome to GF.

Dextor just needs handling regular everyday, i had my Blaze a month ago and for the first few days she was wild but now she lets me handle her great but my other's i had was males and i do find the males can be abit more hard of handling.


New Member
Newberg, OR, USA
He's already gotten much better. Everyday I take him to my bed and just let him run around on it while I constantly pick him up. I'm still at the point where I need to lay my hand in front of him and touch his tail making him walk onto it, rather than just swooping him up. At this point my only difficulties are getting him out of his tank. He seems to be extra aggressive when he's in his home, maybe he sees me as invading his safe zone?

What I usually do is corral him into his moist hide (tupperware) and just take the entire tupperware to my room. My fear is he'll stop going into his hide to help with shedding out of fear that i'll take him out of his tank. But so far he keeps going in.


S/H Tangerine carrot tail
Ryan, nice to hear Dextor is behaving himself better they need handling alot at first mate. When i need to clean blaze out she wow move she sits on the spot for ages and she dow like moving even if i give her a nudge.lol

Males are very territorial i used to have to move some of the things out to get at mine quick, then i used to place them on the bedroom floor and let them have a good run around while i cleaned their tank but the catching after used to be such a laugh.

I know it's hard to catch him but he will become aware of what your doing with the tupperware, so i suggest moving a few things ok and learn to be as quick as Dextor but as you grab him, don't squeeze him as it's a threat and you would'nt like him losing his tail (All the best mate)

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