so i have actually posted a few times now and realised i havent actually introduced myself how rude of me,
so here it goes!
I am a huge fan of lizards and decided in july 09 to go back into owning some reptiles again after rehoming my leo about 5 yrs ago now due to college and lack of time. 5 yrs on and i am more grown up hehe nearly 21! and i own a bearded dragon (rescue from some bad people) and i recently this month set up my 2ft viv for a new leo sadly after pouring all my research into getting the cage correct and perfect i didnt think of researching what to look for in a healthy leopard gecko and ended up bringing a very ill leopard gecko home. after vet visit he sadly died, i really did not think pet shops could sell lizards or any type of animal tht wasnt fit and healthy but there we go... Anyways i had to disinfect everything which took a while and when i was happy i decided to go out of town to get a new gecko believe its a she at the mo she is 5-6 months i think hatched in sept 09 apparently we call her Effie. she is preety much just settling in to her new home and i did notice she ate some mealworms on the first night which i was impressed about hehe.