hello :)


New Member
hi everyone i have 2 leopard geckos a beardie and a corn snake and i was just wondering about mu 2 female geckos how do i introduce them because i tried to yesterday in a mutual area and the new famle bit my old one they are both the same age and also i only just got the other female yesterday else well.


Staff member
3 Year Member
Welcome aboard!
Sometimes it helps to have multiple hides available for territorial reasons...


New Member
Beaver County, Pa
You should probably keep them separated for a little while, or at least until you know for sure that the new gecko isn't sick. When your ready to introduce them again, I've been told to introduce them by letting them see each other thru glass at first.


Well-Known Member
I agree with meg, Some times geckos just need to get used to each other the same way we make friends. You dont let some Random guy at a resturant ask for your sandwich, I think if i were a gecko i'd bite that person to :p
Any way besides that here are some questions to be answered.
1. How big is the Tank? ( Ex: 10 Gallon/20 Gallon/Etc )
2. What Heating do they both get? ( Dimmer,Heat Pad,Fully Bright Bulb Light Fixture )
3. How many Hides/Hiding spaces are there? ( For Each gecko there should be 1 to 2 )
4. How many water bowls are there? ( A Big one is good. Make sure they cant drown in it )
5. Are you sure of there genders? ( Females can fight with each other but Males also may fight with Females or other males. )
6. Have you fed them near each other? ( I dont normally feed my geckos at the same time because they get angry if they watch another gecko eatting it because they assume that could be there last meal or that they could have eatten that worm if they werent around, So they get a bit grudgey. If i feed them in the same cage i feed them at the exact same time. They both get a mealworm at the same second and its not the same one. )
7. How long have they been together?
8. What is the condition of there tails ( Fat,Skinny,Fallen Off,Regrown,Normal?, Some geckos will fight if the other geckos tail is Regrown or fallen off! )

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