

New Member
Cardiff Wales UK
I'm new to all this and have recently acquired a leopard gecko called Lenny. I've had him about 6 months and he has been fine until recently when he stopped eating.After 2 weeks I took him to the vet who told me he was over weight !!!!! And has given me some electrolyte solution to give him twice a day until he starts eating again.it has been about 1 weeks since starting the liquid hand he still wont eat.He seems to look for food and stalks locusts but still wont eat...... What do I do ??
I've tried giving a warm bath, his ambient temp is fine and he has two hides, 1 moist and 1 dry. Hes shedding ok too. Everything looks fine and he's active but I'm worried.
Is there anything else i can do ??

I also have 1 corn snake 6 month old and a mad english springer who is 13.
Any help would be appreciated !


New Member
Miami, FL
Hi welcome welcome welcome! First off... I have never heard of a vet referring to a reptile as overweight.. it's such an uncommon occorance, so that has me a little stumped. Secondly, leos will often go off food for short periods, especially at this time of year -it's the begining of breeding season :) As long as he isnt losing weight and he is shedding, drinking, and acting normally then I wouldnt worry about it too much. Go ahead and keep giving him the electrolytes just for the heck of it and offer food every other day incase he decides he's hungry again. Oh, and pics are always appreciated here. We love to tell others how lovely their pets are haha :)

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