Help- 2nd gecko, 1st one died


New Member
Need help- my 10 year old son is on his 2nd leopard gecko. His 1st one died. it took awhile, slowly got skinner, less active and then onto little eating to no eating. During this time his eyesight seemd to get worse to him almost being blind.

Well- We chalked it up to an unhealty little guy and spnt loads of time and $ on him trying to get him better. Too little too late. (our first reptile so we really did not know what we were doing and apparently still do not).

Onto the 2nd gecko who we bought about 2 months ago, thick fat body and tail. Did well for about a month. In fact he was so fast with the crickets and hunting my son named him "flash". Well- The same thing started happening about 3-4 weeks ago as the 1st and it was then that we realized it must be something we are doing. He has only been eating mealworms with calcium sprinkled b/c he etiher can't see the crickets, klnows he can't catch or both. We even tried putting one in a separate small cage and it's like he does not even try for it or see it. Mealworms he will eat 10 of in 5 minutes in a little bowl. Tonight he did not even come out of his little moss area. Long story short, we think it's the low humity of 35-40% that's casing his letharic behavior and the snowball affect thereafter. I have been reading alot of these forums and been trying to figure out how to keep 70-75% humidity. noting is working. We mist 4 times a day with the coconut type floor and some moss. I am now covering 3/4 top of his screen top to try to keep it in. It goes to about 45-50% for a short time and goes back down shortly after no matter what we try. Does anyone have any ideas what we can do. Not sure if I want to spend $100-150 for a good mister. (read alot of the cheap ones breaking). Please help- I really son;t want my son having to buy another pet so soon!


New Member
could you list EVERYTHING that you have for the enclosure, and the size of it and the UTH?
Where was the gecko purchased? How old do you think it is? how often is it fed? did you clean the viv before getting your 2nd one?

Also pictures would probably help.

I'm nowhere near as informed as the other members, but im sure theyll chime in soon.

EDIT: also if you have the coco as a substrate you should take it out and use papertowls asap. It would make sense to be that not enough heat is getting through the substrate at the moment.


What is the temp of the tank, as well?

How's your wet hide look? Is it closed on the top? Closed in, and kept over heat, it stays more humid. I don't have to wet my moss but once, maybe twice, a week. It holds water really well. My wet hides, and may others, are food containers with a hole cut out of the side. Water can collect on the roof of the hide, and fall back down into the moss, keeping it set for quite a while.

An under tank heater should be used to keep the floor temps around 90 on one side.

And because I feel this should be said, not all pets are right for everyone. A reptile might not be a good fit for your family, as good as it that you recognize you have a problem and want to fix it. Just something to keep in mind. We'll help push you in the right direction as far as care goes :)


New Member
United States
Humidity isn't huge with Leopard Geckos. Yes, they need a moist hide, but they don't need humidity in the tank. 30-40% is fine.

Second, change the substrate. Use paper towels or slate tiles/vinyl tiles. It holds and distributes the heat well from the UTH.
Also, make sure you actually have the UTH. You didn't say how you heat the tank but your gecko could just have digestion issues. They NEED that belly heat to digest food.

Check his nose. He may have a Respiratory Infection due to the constant misting. Check and see if it's runny or clogged.

If you can tell us more about his set-up, we could most likely give you a better, 100% answer

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