Help 9 days without eating 8 year old Leo Gecko Female is just giving up???


New Member
Any help would be appreciated. I live in the middle of the desert here in Arizona in a rural community. I do not have the means to take my dear 8 year old female Gecko to a vet - if we had one. I adopted her when she was unwanted by a teen. I'm a grandmother. She has been eating fine (only crickets she is picky) up until 9 days ago whereupon she stopped completely. She did take a bite out of a cricket I think the other day but didn't pursue it, shows no interest. When I do get her out of her hide she runs to her reflection and starts digging as if she wants to get to the other gecko. She's never been with another gecko all her 8 years. I don't think she is lonely but how would I know. She has a lovely enclosure with three hides. I keep the temps correct (I'm careful) and make sure there is just enough moisture. She isn't impacted as she has been passing poop. She has no signs off illness but is showing loss of weight. She sleeps all the time but she is old. She gets exicited when she sees her reflection. I'm so sad I don't know how to handle this. Is she suffering what should I do, this is so painful to watch and not know how to handle. Any help would be wonderful.
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New Member
My leopard gecko had an eye infection and did not eat for many days. I fed him with chicken baby food (mixed in with vitamins). Local pharmacies should have syringes. I got one for free at the HEB pharmacy. I used the syringe and put a little baby food on the outside of his mouth and he licked it. He's at normal weight right now and is feeling better.

I'm not a professional and I don't want to give you any wrong information. This was based on my past experience. I hope your leopard gecko gets better.


Vancouver Island
hi there. How did things go?
One thing that comes to mind with the behaviour when she sees her reflection is are you sure that it is a female? 5 days is not bad or that unusual for some to not eat. If it is a week or more I would be worried. Although some geckos do seem to be fussy I always like to offer a variety in the diet. I have known some that only seem to like crickets to get board with it.

would love to know how things went for you
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Vancouver Island
There are a few you-tubes out there on how to get your leo to eat. If you have tried a variety of food choices for her, then perhaps you can 1) get a meal worm or cricket and if you can cut it a bit so the leo will smell it then put it in front of it waving it around a little. 2) you can use something like a dropper to drop a tiny amount of liquid food on its nose. The leo usually licks it and this method is meant to stimulate the appetite. 3) you can force feed it. i would only suggest this if you have ruled out everything else. I understand that you don't have the means to take it to a vet, however ideally it would be best to take it to the vet with a sample of the poop to rule out any parasites or other issues. To force feed your leo you can hold it and stroke the side of its mouth. You may have to be persistent. If it opens its mouth you can try inserting a meal worm/wax or small cricket. If it wont open its mouth you should go to the vet who can provide you with a syringe and tubing to force feed ( my vet provided several varieties for syringe/tube feeding for free). you can create your own "smoothy" concoction from ensure, ground insects etc or the vet can sell a specific product. With the rubber tubing cut on an angle (like the point of a needle) you press the point gently against the mouth and guide it in to deliver the food. Sometimes when a leo does not feel well it stops eating - this can become a bad cycle where force feeding is necessary.
Please update us on how things are going
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