help baby leo want eat


New Member
hello im new to the forum and looking for some help im watching some leopards for a friend of mine and he also had an egg in a incubator and in hatched. when i found it there was no eggshell or skin. it could have been two days old when i found it i go check on them every few days. ive had it at my house for two days now and it was not eaten. ive got it in a plastic container about the size of a shoe box with a heating pad at one end with a hid and small water cap and cap of calcium at the other end it is right at about 90 at the heated end. ive tryed small meal-worms and small crickets

[/url]001 by mino87, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]003 by mino87, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]002 by mino87, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]012 by mino87, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]014 by mino87, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]013 by mino87, on Flickr[/IMG]


New Member
can you tell from the pictures what type of leo it is or is it to early to tell?


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
That likely means they have had their first shed, since they instinctively eat their own shed skin. Go ahead and try 1-2 small food items, and watch to see how they handle it. If they don't eat it, take the food items back out.

Also, it looks like a tangerine albino. Not sure if it's Bell or not.


New Member
Ive tried small mealworms and small crickets no luck it just ignores them. Ive tried just putting them in cage, Ive tried putting mealworms in a small dish, and Ive tried removing all the hides and water cap and still no luck. it active and is moving around just fine and does not seem stressed. Ive read that some eat none citrus fruit has any one ever had any luck with fruit? when should i become worried?


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
Dont stress it dude. They can go upto a week or so after first sheding before eating. Just keep attempting to feed, if the mealies worm arent moving much give em squeeze and drop them in front of your hatchling. Never keep uneaten food in there tank if it isnt in a escape proof bowl. Remember a couple times a day to mist the tank and inside the hide so they can lick the dropplets. Hatchlings, they can get dehydrated very fast.

What works really well for me with stubon hatchling not eating is injury the mealworm, roach or cricket were guts/juice is comming out then brush the guts/juice across the bottom tip of there lower mounth. Alot of the time they will then lick the guts and realize 'Hey this is some good Noms' and start eating then. Leopard geckos dont eat any kind of fruits or vegs. Only live and kicking prey.

Hope this helps, and congrats on the hatchling


New Member
Dont stress it dude. They can go upto a week or so after first sheding before eating. Just keep attempting to feed, if the mealies worm arent moving much give em squeeze and drop them in front of your hatchling. Never keep uneaten food in there tank if it isnt in a escape proof bowl. Remember a couple times a day to mist the tank and inside the hide so they can lick the dropplets. Hatchlings, they can get dehydrated very fast.

What works really well for me with stubon hatchling not eating is injury the mealworm, roach or cricket were guts/juice is comming out then brush the guts/juice across the bottom tip of there lower mounth. Alot of the time they will then lick the guts and realize 'Hey this is some good Noms' and start eating then. Leopard geckos dont eat any kind of fruits or vegs. Only live and kicking prey.

Hope this helps, and congrats on the hatchling

ok well the guts trick worked great just ate 4 small crickets and one mealworm

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