HELP! Did my gecko become blind overnight?


New Member
Somewhere, geckoland
Hi everyone. My 5 month old gecko has been very healthy and her eyes normally switch around from all black to snake eye, I guess depending on the light? Today I woke her up and her eye were super snake eyes to the point the black was razor thin in both eyes, and after 10 minutes the pupils never got bigger. She was super skiddish when being held and when put back in her tank she looked like she had no idea where she was going -sort of poking around an inch at a time. I put some mealworms in front of her and she didn't go for them, and when I tried to feed her with tongs she got 1 put that might be because she tasted it first. She big the papertowel (there was a piece on the ground) and wouldn't let go as if she thought it was food and she was trying to eat it.

Is it possible she went blind over night? She has been very healthy so far always eating/pooping fine. She has taken some falls from my hands to the carpet when handeling sometimes but she always got right back up and the falls werent far.

Please HELP! :eek::eek::eek::eek:


Gecko Fool
im a little confused... Is it a normal... because it honestly sounds like the pupils are just changing. like when its dark they get big and when its bright they get really small just like human eyes. It could have just been bright enough to the point that it was blinding ur leo.

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