help identify


New Member
Hi, This is my first post here. Tonight a guy was driving home from Florida to deliver fruit here in Canada, and he found a small reptile. He thought it was a leopard gecko, so I said I would take it since I know about bearded dragons and my girlfriend wanted a leopard. When I got it, it didn't look anything like a leopard, and the guy had no idea how to take care of it, so I said I would try. I'm not sure what exactly it is but I am trying to determine how to feed and house it. My best guess is that it is a Mediterranean Gecko or a house gecko. I have attached some pictures, hopefully someone can steer me in the right direction and we can have this baby grow up happy and healthy. IMAG1045.jpg IMAG1046.jpg IMAG1047.jpg


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
you are exactly correct on the species, and from the looks of it, it is less then 2-3 weeks old. I have tried rearing these guys in the past, but I find that they tend to live longer in the wild.. then again, I live in a desert, so its probably too cold in Canada for that little guy to be outside... try checking out this thread: it was a similar discussion a few days ago. I hope this helps! and welcome to the forum! :D

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