Help me fast


g man

Hi everyone i just got a new gecko today het raptor from steve sykes at the IRBA show. I have previously owned another femoale gecko SHTCTB who weighs 45 g while the new one weighs 40g steve said that it would be fine to house them together but the new one seems a bit nervouse around the other what should i do?


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
g man said:
Hi everyone i just got a new gecko today het raptor from steve sykes at the IRBA show. I have previously owned another femoale gecko SHTCTB who weighs 45 g while the new one weighs 40g steve said that it would be fine to house them together but the new one seems a bit nervouse around the other what should i do?
Is the new one a male or a female? How big is the tank? How many hides are in the tank?

g man

the new one is a female and the tank is a ten gallon im upgrading to a 20 and there are 2 hides in the tank

I also noticed that they both keep climbing on top of eachother


Addicted To Leos
Well, first you just quarantine the new one! Steve has awesome and healthy geckos, but no matter who you buy from you should always quarantine for about 60 days. Also, the new one is probably nervous because it is in a new environment. I would recommend putting the new one in it's own cage until quarantine is done and that will also give it time to adjust.

Good luck with your new gecko, and congrats!


You feed 'em we breed 'em
Tualatin, OR
g man said:
the new one is a female and the tank is a ten gallon im upgrading to a 20 and there are 2 hides in the tank

I also noticed that they both keep climbing on top of eachother
The climbing on top of eachother is more thank likely to show dominance. If you have to house them together, they should be fine together. You will want to watch them to make sure everything is going well.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
It's always very important to quarantine any new herp from other.

Females of the same size can be housed together, but you still have to watch out for signs of bullying even if you don't see it happening. If one starts to loose weight, then you can be sure that other is bullying for food, or it's sick.

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