Help me Welcome home (place name here)!


New Member
Help me welcome home my new albino leopard gecko ______. I got my baby boy yesterday and yeah, I still haven't picked a name yet but here's his sweet 30"Long crib( see below). Its not that fancy. I use carpet (although I would love to switch to sand and tile) with a UTH and a red OTH. I tried using a UTA(?) basking light with no UVB, but he hates the light, he can barely stand my room light ( and my room light is very high up and very dim) so I'm trying to just cater to his needs. Plus the breeder I brought him from never used over tank heaters so I think I may only stick to the red bulbs. I hope this doesn't change his colors... Hell be one year on 09-22-10.

He has his humid hid (ZooMed or something?) halfway on the warm side next to his warm hide. Leaning on the humid hide is his climbing branch that leads down to the cool side. Under the climbing branch is a few stones that lead up to the humid hide (although he hasn't gone in there yet and I'm not sure if he knows it is a hide???)and next to it a little cap full of calcium. On the cool side he has a cool hide, his liTtle tree that he likes to squeeze behind and his water bowel. He also has his food dish on this side.

Maybe I should have waited but I was too happy to get him that I shaked and baked 6 adult crickets and poured them in (one with a broken leg accidentally). He was not amused.. Some craweled on him and he hissed so I freaked out and got a potato for the crickets and the crickets left him alone but he did go after them at all.. Its like he didn't even see them! So I ended up catching all except two and the on with the broken leg I left in, just to see if he would eat them later in the night.... In the mean time I gave him a waxworm as a coming home present and of course he ate it.
The other two hid in his tree all night before I killed them this morning.
I left the half legged on in his bowel.. I doubt he will eat it..

I know the breeder kept him on mealworms but I just don't want his system impacted with them ( my last baby gecko got impacted that way and I've been careful ever since). For now its the only thing I thik he will eat so I'm getting him that today and a hammock (he's sooo spoiled! :) )

He's very active.. And allows me to pet his head. I'm too scared to pick him up.. I guess its because I only had the baby one before him and it was small, my guy is huge and I just want him to love me :/ ... Idk how to get him to get use to me.

He also decided to pick the FRONT of the tank to poop at! Ugh! There is a spot in this tank that I had in mind and he pick the front dead and center. And his poop stinks! Which is another reaso why I wanted to use sand... But idk cuz he seems to like to lick everything. Any ideas on how to get him to change from this spot?

P.s I keep to red bulb on 24/7 (sometime its off during the day and I take the uth off al night).

Any suggestions feel free to post them! And also if you have a name in mind help me out! I'm was thinking about William... William Shakespeare. :D or.. Leon?


New Member
Maybe i made my post to general for a reply, but i basiclly wanted to know if everything i am doing is okay.

New issues has come up..

i finally got my gecko to eat 8 mealworms (not enough in my eyes) by dropping them infront of him and put 4 more plus a waxworm in his bowel in hopes of him finally finding it on his own.

Its looks as if he has a slight vision problem, like he cant follow the worm as it moves away and will basically put his nose on the worm before striking.. is this because he is albino? Or do they all have vision problems?

The carpet is also come to be a problem. When he does strike, he gets his teeth stuck in the carpet, which tells me two things.. one i have to find a new substrate (?)and two sand is out of the question, for fear that he may pick it up while eatting.

Please help & post any ideas that could help me.


Happy Gecko Family
Hi, your setup looks awesome!! I'm sure your new gecko will enjoy his new home. Is it him in the last picture? He's cute but doesn't look like an albino to me...but I might be wrong. Since you just got him yesterday, give him a bit of time to settle in, I'm sure he will eat the crickets eventually. As long as your temp is 92-95f on the warm side, it will be fine. The teeth getting caught on repti-carpet is no good, so yeah, switching to tile and sand is a good idea.

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