Hello again. I crossed a mack snow enigma with w&y male. Now I have problems what morph she/he is. Please help me with identification. Gecko got high white sides and little paradox spot. Gecko got about 1 month.
Looks like its definitely w/y and enigma to me. As for snow if it wasn't all white and black when it hatched I would say it probably is not but there is always a chance if it was really pale yellow.
If it helps, here's a picture of a snow from a bright yellow line of bolds at hatching. She looked almost white but you can see the pale yellow coloration peeking through. I'm pretty sure she'll be a fairly bright yellow when she starts to color up. If yours was more yellow than this gal when she hatched I would be pretty certain she isn't snow.
So my gaceko can be a w&y right? Maybe enigma w&y but still w&y? Gecko takes pastel colors of spots on the head and this fact convinces me slowly to w&y.