Help me with my tank



Can i use this tank for housing 1 adult gecko for the whole life : 70cmx35cmx30cm ( WxDxH ).Did i need any log or rocks . Does gecko want to climb or not. Can i use Zoomed Red Light Night Bulb for heat all the time with out heat tap or tank heater ?. THanks :D:main_thumbsup:


Happy Gecko Family
The size is fine; I think you should put something in there for the gecko to climb, they like it. I prefer UTH over red bulb; but if you shine the red bulb on a rock or something that gets the surface temp to at least 92, I'd say that'll suffice too.


OK. I will shine my 60w red bulb to the rock . But i think is too hot from the air and the rock surface too . Can i use Red bulb all the day ( 24/24 ) and Blue bulb for the night ?
And what about i just turn on the red bulb in the night ( when gecko come out ) and in the morning i will do nothing ( thats mean no light :D )


New Member
I would use only the red bulb. If it will be the primary heat source, don't turn it off during the day. It must run 24/7 or the leo will get cold.


Woa !! That sound like electric bills will be a lot :D . OK . I will only use Red Bulb but can i buy under tank heater to turn on at day and red bulb just at night ?? :-? and do gecko need recyle the time ( i mean 12 day 12 night ?? ) !? or just the red bulb all day enough .


I kind of confuse about day and night . Do i need to buy some day light for the day ??


New Member
You can use a day bulb, but it is not necessary and will require you to have two separate lamps. As long as light comes in the room by way of a window, they will know when day and night is. A red bulb will be fine for day and night. I use one as my heat source.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
if you would like a natural day cycle, light coming in through a window is your best cycle. If you already have the lamp then you can set it up to heat the enclosure for the leo, just place a piece of tile/rock under lamp to provide a warm material under the lamp for the leo to lay on.

I prefer a heat mat on a thermostat to provide my heat, because I have noticed that leos kept with visible light sources of heat tend to be duller than those that are kept with either Infrared lamps or UTH.

It would be alright to use a red bulb in the day and a blue one at night, but you will need to purchase a second dome for the blue bulb.

If you are looking to conserve electrical costs a heat mat on a thermostat is your best option. The heat mats have a much lower wattage and may not have to run the whole time.

Do not place a light on a thermostat, the bulbs will blow out within a day. The repeated on/off weakens the element in the bulb and will blow them.


if you would like a natural day cycle, light coming in through a window is your best cycle. If you already have the lamp then you can set it up to heat the enclosure for the leo, just place a piece of tile/rock under lamp to provide a warm material under the lamp for the leo to lay on.

I prefer a heat mat on a thermostat to provide my heat, because I have noticed that leos kept with visible light sources of heat tend to be duller than those that are kept with either Infrared lamps or UTH.

It would be alright to use a red bulb in the day and a blue one at night, but you will need to purchase a second dome for the blue bulb.

If you are looking to conserve electrical costs a heat mat on a thermostat is your best option. The heat mats have a much lower wattage and may not have to run the whole time.

Do not place a light on a thermostat, the bulbs will blow out within a day. The repeated on/off weakens the element in the bulb and will blow them.

Well , what is thermostat is :main_huh: I dont know much E:main_thumbsdown: And which heat mat should i use for this tank : 70x45x30 . If i use heat mat , can i don't use any light ?? I mean day and night just heat mat only . Not any special light :main_laugh: And by the way ,can i mist the tank when him ready to sheed out . Thanks:main_robin:


Help me out fast because i will be no INTERNET in this week :(
I repeat what i want to help :( Pls help me out fast as you can .
1.which heat mat should i use for this tank : 70x45x30
2.If i use heat mat , can i don't use any light ?? I mean day and night just heat mat only
3.Did i have to turn on the heat mat 24/7 :(
4.can i mist the tank when him ready to sheed out
5.Can i put the calcilum and vitamins in the disk just for him . Does he lick it or not ?
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It depends on the temp in your house and tank location. I have a heat mat (uth) and it keeps the temps between 92 and 95 without any light source. I do not have a thermostat, but i will get one before summer.

As far as size of the mat, you want to cover about 1/3 to 1/2 of the bottom of the tank.

My heat mat runs all the time. When i have a thermostat, it will reduce the heat or increase the heat as needed.

I am still working on gettin a calcium dish for my little one. I'm told they will lick the calcium from a small dish based on their personal need.
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Thanks mush .... what about 4 and 5 questions :( Anyone can answer for me


Ruler Of the WORLD!!
NJ, Voorhees
4.can i mist the tank when him ready to sheed out
5.Can i put the calcilum and vitamins in the disk just for him . Does he lick it or not ?

4. No, provide him with a shed box, and easy way to make one is get a glad container, cut a hole through it, and put them paper towel in it.

5. Yes, and he will lick it, but probably you won't see it often or never but he will. You must also dust your food too even though you have a dish of calcium or vitamins in the tank.


But i dont know about the calcilum and vtms dish ....when i have to change them..if gecko doesnt lick all ... we put it in trash ??


nah...everybody just dont like little guy like me because im asking too much Q ????


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
nah...everybody just dont like little guy like me because im asking too much Q ????

Its not that nobody likes you because you are asking too many questions... you can never ask too many questions. People just probably havent noticed your thread. I will try to help you out as much as possible and explain.

Ok, as far as your heating source goes:
You need an UTH and a thermometer. The UTH needs to cover 1/4 of the bottom of the tank ONLY. Leopard geckos thermoregulate. Leopard geckos need this belly heat (UTH) to thermoregulate and to digest their food properly. Now, what they were saying about the lamp and using that as a source of belly heat... well you can, and obviously some use this method, but believe me. It is much easier with an UTH. You need to get a digital thermometer and place the probe on the warm side of the tank over the UTH. Make sure the temps stay around 95-97*F. It is easiest do this with a thermostat (Which is something you plug the UTH into and it keeps the UTH at the specific temperature in which you set it). Or a rheostat (Which is the same concept, only it has a dimmer method and you cant specify which temps you want it at, you have to monitor the thermometer). Or you can try it without either one. I, myself, do not have a thermostat or rheostat on my UTH and my temps are fine.

Ok, your misting question:
Like the last person said: get a moist hide. The tupperware idea is great. I spray paint mine with a rock texture spray paint to make it look more realistic. I then cut a hole in the tupperware and place either papertowels or cocofiber into the box. I mist once a day or once every day. The moisture helps the leopard geckos shed. It is mandatory that they have one in their enclosure. You cannot pass this up. It is cheap and easy, so make sure you provide one. You can place it on the warm side, cool side or middle. It doesnt really matter. I prefer mine to stay more on the warm side.

Your calcium question:
I use both regular calcium ONLY + calcium with D3. I dust the feeders (Crickets/mealies/roaches/whatever) every other feeding with the Calcium. I then use the calcium w/ D3 once a week. You dont want to overload them on the D3 but you do want to provide it on a regular basis with dusting. I also use a waterbottle cap and fill it with the calcium. I leave this in the tank 24/7. I never toss mine or throw it away. It usually gets consumed or knocked over anyways, so I am always replacing it. But there is no need to put fresh calcium in, as long as it is there.

I hope this has clarified a few things. Good luck and ask as many questions as need be.

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