help, morph id?

non5top (knexotics)

New Member
Málaga, Spain
I'm Luis from Spain.
I'm newbie in leos breeding and this season a little guy is confusing me with his evolution and i would like if anyone can help me.
His parents are: Raptor poss het blizzard (male) and Macksnow RAPTOR het blizzard(female)
Here you are a pic of both parents:

And there is the pics of the little one. He hatched as the 1st photo and he's developing a little pattern
with the time and now the pattern is scaling in colour. Now is nearly at the fathers colour.


This guy cannot be a Super Mack coz there is no mack in the male (100% tested with other cross)

So the question is: RAPTOR or MACKRAPTOR?

Thanks in advance, regards.


New Member
Rhode Island
He looks like a mack snow raptor in the last picture and he probably should be breeding Raptor x Raptor should result in 100% Raptors. then the mack snow is a co-dominiant so breeding to a normal will result will 50/50 so since the male doesn’t have mack snow in him all the babies will either will or will not carry the mack snow trait and breeding het blizzard x het blizzard will result in 1/4 blizzards but with this guy right here you may have missed the blizzard trait but he does look like a blizzard in the younger pictures of him, but my vote is Mack snow raptor and if the father was het blizzard then he may be 66% or 50% poss het blizzard depending if the father is carrying the blizzard trait. Hope this helps.

non5top (knexotics)

New Member
Málaga, Spain
Thank you! yep, i think i understand a little of genetics, but i cannot confirm if the male is carrying blizzard, so 50 or 66 :) but the question it's about the pale colour, because the father is much pale in colour than the female and he's not MackSnow, so that's the main problem, this guy wears MackSNow gene or not ? Thanks so much for your reply.
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Ridgewood, NJ
If the baby is showing any pattern at all I don't think it can be a blizzard. My guess would be Mack Raptor. The darker color of the pattern on your female could be caused by temperature rather than genetics. If eggs are incubated below 83 or the baby is exposed to cool temperatures the color can darken. Sometimes Tremper albinos with these darker colors are referred to as "chocolate" albinos.

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