Help please; I’m not sure what to have as my tank set up!



:main_robin:I will be getting a leopard gecko soon and since it is my first I want to be careful with the tank setup. I will have him in a 10 gallon tank and have already decided on a paper towel substrate. But I am not sure what to do with the rest. So please if anyone has any suggestions about what to have as a hide, what brand of heater to get, or anything really that comes to mind for a healthy gecko habitat please share.:main_thumbsup:

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
The best thing to do is spend some time looking at setups in this subforum. Opinions will vary widely, so do your research and use the info to decide what will be best under your conditions. You are more likely to get good answers if you post more specific questions because there is no such thing as one perfect setup.


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
The best thing to do is spend some time looking at setups in this subforum. Opinions will vary widely, so do your research and use the info to decide what will be best under your conditions. You are more likely to get good answers if you post more specific questions because there is no such thing as one perfect setup.

Agreed! However as far as my opinions on the hides; I really love the Repti-Shelter (Medium) as the moist hide. Its like a rock thing with a hole at the top that they can climb in and hide. All of mine love it!

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