Nactra's my Dwarf Sungazer. I've had her since fourth grade, so I've had her for around four years now. I have her in a twenty gallon tank, with four hides- a magnetic cave hide, a green hide that's ceramic or of the sort, a "tree" hide, and a wooden, half log. She's on repticarpet. I have a Reptiglo 2.0 15 watt UV light for her, and a 50 watt basking bulb. I always have fresh water and a bowl of calcium with mealworms in it for her. She's been hiding for a few days, and I noticed that her food wasn't disappearing. When cleaning her tank, I took her out, and she was calm...something that seriously alarmed me, as she usually fights like a cat forced to take a bath if I ever try to hold her. I thought she was dehydrated again, so I put her in lukewarm water for around 15 minutes. She opened her eyes, but they seemed all right to me. She hasn't opened her eyes since. I placed her back in the tank under the basking bulb(where she was before I took her out), and she didn't move at all for a few hours. She has also been opening her mouth and I can see her throat really working. Is this a respiratory problem? I'm really concerned for her, I asked my dad to schedule a vet appointment for her ASAP. I don't know if she's overheating or what, but I'm scared. What do you suggest that I do?