Help - Stress Gecko


New Member

I got an adult 10 month old gecko still feel stress like hell after 1 month arrived my place...
He just run like hell every time I open his cage...
I used to check him every 2-3 days see he's eating or not...
I house him in a rack system(like vision product reach system)individually...
He did eat but not much...
I weight(digital scale) him the day he arrived my place at 54g and until today he is still 54g too...
My other 11 gecko never face this problem before...
Can anyone tell me is it normal for a gecko that still fell stress after 1 month?
Anything I can do?
I'm worry about him...


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Some geckos are just spazzy, that is part of their personality.
I have had a few, ones I raised from the egg that just freak out whenever I do anything in their cage. I did not treat them any differently than any of my other geckos.

1 month may not be enough for him to settle in and learn to trust you. I can think of a leo I had that was very skittish when I first got him. Would curl into a ball and jump away from me if I got too near. It took several months but he eventually got comfortable with me and did not freak out around me.

You could try handling him more but it might make it worse, or it might make it better.

Also consider the fact that breeding season is just starting. If you have females, especially if they are ovulating, this can cause the male to be more flighty.


New Member

yes, i did put an ovulating female to his cage...
and you know what happened after that?
he just freak out and try to run away from the female...
now i just put him on the bottom of the rack and cover the top so he can't see me walking near his cage...
i think i'll just leave him alone and check back after 2-3 days...
but i did try to gave him a warm bath just now and he seems calm when i put him inside the warm water for 15 mins...


Gecko Girl :D
You may want to consider a quarantine period when you get a new gecko...keep the gecko away from others in its own enclosure for 4-6 weeks to ensure that your gecko is happy and healthy. Introducing other geckos so soon after beinging him home maybe stress him out as he needs to adapt to his new environment, and also get used to you! As mentioned above, some geckos are naturally skittish and just need some love, care and attention to calm down.


New Member

It's been more than 2 months and the male nova still having the same problem...
I try to gave him Reptaid and nothing's change...
He still eating everyday but not much...
The other problem I found out that he's not pooping like the other...
I have to put him to the warm water 15-20mins every +-7 days and he always poop inside when taking the warm bath...
I want to try mate him with another female sunglow but I scare to stress him...
Or should I put both of them in the same cage for few days to let them get use to each other?
Or put them together for 1-2 hours daily?
Advice needed...

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