help - very sick gecko


New Member
We inherited a new leopard gecko from a friend of a friend of a friend, sight unseen, about a month ago, and it's in big trouble from what I can see. I've got two other leos who are doing just fine, but I'm in a pickle as to what to do with my new gecko.

The first thing we noticed when we brought the new gecko home is that it's FAT. And not just a little fat, we're talking barely-fits-through-the-door-to-its-hide fat. And it has a very skinny tail, with no meat back there at all. Since it's been home, we've been moderating it's food supply (the previous owners left 15-20 crickets in the tank at all times), and it has been losing some weight. If anything, the geckos tail has only gotten smaller. This small amount of weight loss has also shown us one, or possibly two other issues - it has a large bump on it's left shoulder, and it may have a slightly crooked spine.

In addition to this litany of problems, it also has shed problems on a few toes, and is missing other toes all together.

Now, this morning, I see the little girl has pooped all over everything. And it's really messy poop too.

As I've said, I've been taking care of two others which I've had since they were juveniles, and they've always been pictures of health. This is my first experience with a sick gecko. Any ideas on what I can do to nurse this leo back to some level of healthiness?


Could be a heavy parasite load. That would account for the distended stomach, but otherwise unthrifty appearance. Someone want to back me up on this hypothesis?


New Member
Ontario Canada
She might have eggs (in addition to other problems). When one of mine was trying to lay her infertile eggs she pooped all over, although it wasn't runny, but it was because she was trying to push the eggs out. It might also have bad parasites, and MBD. I'd get her to a vet, I don't think there is much you can do on your own. Can you get a picture of the gecko?

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