Help with a morph please


New Member
I am being told that this is a mack snow. Is that true? It's very yellow, I bought a mack snow hatchling a few months ago (was about the size of this one at the time) but she had far more white. Advise please!!

Thanks :)
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New Member
Thanks guys!!!

Thats actually what I was thinking, I have a high yellow male but granted he didn't have as much white one him ... but I also bough a female mack snow hatchling a few months ago and she is black and white, quite a contrast from the pic I posted.

Past week I've really been researching the different morphs and genetic crossings, punnett squares and such. Just need to get more familiar with the differences between morphs. Till recently my collection consisted of iguanas and bearded dragons which are of couse NOTHING like these guys :) These are very interesting!

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