Help with crickets!!!!


New Member
Hi there, does anyone have any tips on how to feed crickets to a gecko, she still has quite small ones so picking them up in my hand is very difficult as they jump a lot! I tried picking them with tweezers and accidentally squash most of them and I've tried 3 different cricket feeder things with the tubes to put them in the viv but by the time I've messed around getting them in in the first place after they all fall out then about 20 explode out of the feeding tube at once so I have to sit there and carefully catch them all again and start over! any suggestions would be great! Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
many thanks


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
I don't use crickets too much any more, but what I used to do is get a smaller bowl/container that they couldn't jump out of as a staging area. I'd knock some out of a tube into the bowl to start. Then, I'd use long feeding tongs to pick out a group the right size. I'd usually grab them by the legs or backend so as not to kill them.

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